The big night in the bucket

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The big night in the bucket
Georg Baselitz , 1962/63
Oil on canvas
250 × 180 cm
Museum Ludwig, Cologne

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The big night in a bucket is the title of a painting (oil on canvas, 250 × 180 cm) by Georg Baselitz . It was created in 1962/1963 and belongs to the inventory of the Museum Ludwig in Cologne.

Content and form

The painting shows a figure masturbating in a provocative way . The art historian Klaus Gallwitz described the motif: “The figure, whose body is reminiscent of a boy, stands with spread legs and holds an oversized phallus with his left hand . She looks past the viewer. ”The slender figure stands in extreme contrast to the overemphasized masculinity :“ The shape of the face, like the upper body covered with informal brush strokes, has no other physiognomic features apart from the eyes and a large ear . ”In the same year a Another painting entitled Big Night in a Bucket , 1963 (oil on canvas, 180 × 165 cm), it is in private ownership. Here the motif shows the figure with lowered head and phallus, in a broken representation of sexuality . The 1962 study The Great Night ( pencil and watercolor , 63 × 48 cm, private collection) on the same topic.

The pictures come from the early phase of Baselitz's work from 1960 to 1963, a time when the artist was concerned with Antonin Artaud . During this work phase, pictures were created “that reveal a morbid curiosity about 'feverish openings' and 'erectile tissue'.” The creative period is manifested in the works of PD Feet , a haunting series with individual limbs, a series with heads and portraits and the two Paintings The big night in the bucket . With them the painter began a series of works, such as Christmas (1964) or The Whip Woman (1965), with which he created new forms of expression for the representational in a phase in which painting was dominated by tachism and action painting sought to develop. The subjects remain without context in the pictures and convey states of their dissolution in terms of color and painterly perception. Baselitz himself called his color tones "mashed" and later explained this early phase in his work as "puberty sludge".


In October 1963, the work exhibited in the West Berlin gallery Werner & Katz (Baselitz's first solo exhibition) was confiscated by the public prosecutor for immorality, together with the picture The Naked Man . The intense criminal process did not end until 1965 when the pictures were returned.

As part of his work cycle from 2005, Baselitz painted a second version of the picture with the title The Big Night in a Bucket (remix) . The variant The Great Night from back then has been owned by the Pinakothek der Moderne since 2012 .


  • Handbook Museum Ludwig . Cologne 1979, pp. 76-79

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Klaus Gallwitz, in: Georg Baselitz, The Path of Invention , Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main, 1988, p. 31
  2. Both reproduced in: Georg Baselitz, The Path of Invention , Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main, 1988, pp. 101 and 102
  3. Georg Baselitz: Pandämonisches Manifest I + II , 1962, in: Georg Baselitz, Der Weg der Invention , Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main, 1988, pp. 14-25, and in: Harald Szeemann (ed.), Georg Baselitz , Kunsthaus Zürich, 1990, pp. 214–217
  4. Kevin Power in: Harald Szeemann (Ed.), Georg Baselitz , Kunsthaus Zürich, 1990, p. 12
  5. ^ Both works: Museum Ludwig, Cologne
  6. Handbook Museum Ludwig . Cologne 1979; Pp. 76 and 79
  7. Figures: Adaptation from 2005 and a brush drawing from 2008
  8. PIN party 2012