The last masks

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The Last Masks is a one-act play by Arthur Schnitzler from 1901. Together with three others it belongs to the one-act cycle Lebendige Stunden . The play was premiered with the others on January 4, 1902 in the Deutsches Theater Berlin .


The action takes place in the “Extrakammerl” of the Vienna General Hospital and revolves around the patient Karl Rademacher, who believes he is about to die.

Instigated by his fellow patient Florian Jackwerth, Rademacher decides to take revenge on his former friend, who has surpassed him professionally, before his death. He believes he can draw satisfaction from his revenge: “I… die in the hospital. - But it doesn't matter ... - because now comes the moment when I can crush it. ”(P. 13).

But when the old friend comes and takes care of him, like a good friend does, he removes any basis from Rademacher's hatred.

Because of Weihgast's generosity, Rademacher is condemned to silence. Finally he gives up his plans: “Desk -? - Do what you want. Burn because of me! ... masterpieces! - And if so ... posterity is only available for the living ”(p. 22).

He can still die in peace, realizing that this visit is worth as much, if not more, than his plans for revenge.


Karl Rademacher is a 54-year-old journalist who - although he considers himself quite talented - did not manage to achieve fame or fortune through his work. He is in the hospital, and his shabby appearance and completely gray hair underline his assumption that he will soon die: "I can feel it ... tomorrow morning it may all be over" (p. 9). The doctors, on the other hand, claim that he will soon be healthy again: "Doctor Halmschlöger tells me it's just a question of good care ... you'll be leaving the hospital in a few weeks" (p. 18).

The second patient is called Florian Jackwerth . He is an actor around 28 years old, who is skinny, but looks well-groomed, as far as that is possible for a patient in the hospital. For him, the stay in hospital is just an opportunity to improve his professional skills ("Do you mean, one of us goes to the hospital for free? You can learn something there", p. 5). The doctors, however, are less optimistic: “A poor devil of an actor. ... has no idea that it will be underground in eight days at the latest. "(P. 21)

Alexander Weihgast , a former friend of Rademacher, is an elegantly dressed poet of around 55 years of age who has kept himself well.

Dr. Halmschlöger is a young secondary doctor who, in the eyes of his colleague, treats patients too good- naturedly (“Well, listen, the people are just taking advantage of your good-naturedness here”, p. 11), which makes him more popular with patients : “Doctor Halmschlöger. A fine gentleman, just a little cocky. "(P. 5)

Dr. In contrast to his colleague, Tann , the second secondary doctor, is dressed a little carelessly and is more strict with the patients.

Juliane Paschanda is the guard and is described as "fat, good-natured, and not yet old" (p. 3). She can laugh at Jackwerth's jokes, but makes sure that they don't get out of hand: “How people can imitate them ... Well, you won't stop! You sin. "(P. 5)



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Heinz Hahnl : Austrian half-tragedies of resignation . In: Arbeiter-Zeitung . Vienna September 2, 1962, p. 4 ( - the open online archive - digitized).