Diedrich Philipp August Lamprecht

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Diedrich Philipp August Lamprecht (born December 29, 1796 in Hamburg ; † August 27, 1882 in Bergedorf ) was a German administrative lawyer and mayor of Bergedorf.


Diedrich Philipp August Lamprecht was the third child of the lawyer and Canon Paul Daniel Lamprecht and his wife Elisabeth, nee. Meyer. Friedrich Johann Lorenz Meyer was his uncle.

He studied law and was awarded a Dr. jur. PhD. In 1822/23 he made a trip to Italy . In 1838 he became a councilor in Bergedorf, which at that time was a two-city condominium of Hamburg and Lübeck ( history of Bergedorf ). On July 31, 1848, he was appointed mayor by the two-city visitation authority on the basis of an election proposal drawn up by the local council. His great-grandfather Heinrich Daniel Lamprecht († 1748) and his uncle (?) Philipp Hinrich Lamprecht (1749–1824) held this position.

As mayor, in addition to municipal administrative duties, he also had to exercise mortgage lending , guardianship and voluntary jurisdiction for the city of Bergedorf and in this respect had the status of a state official. From these sovereign tasks he received sports , which were a significant part of his income.

With a contract dated August 8, 1867, the city of Hamburg bought the city of Lübeck's ownership rights. As a result of the Hamburg law on the reorganization of the office and the city of Bergedorf of December 30, 1872 and the municipal statute for the city of Bergedorf that came into force on April 15, 1874, a new mayor was elected and introduced. Lamprecht then retired on October 17th. In 1875 the Hamburg Senate granted him a pension and a one-off compensation payment.


Lamprechtstrasse in Bergedorf reminds of him and his family .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Negotiations between the Senate and the citizenship. Hamburg 1875, pp 61 -63
  2. ^ Lamprechtstrasse , accessed on October 21, 2016