Diego Nicolini

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Diego Nicolini (born March 12, 1969 in Pergine Valsugana ) is an Italian politician.


Nicolini first worked as a police officer in Milan and Bolzano , before completing his economics studies with the laurea at the University of Trento in 1996 . Professionally he works in the industrial sector. In 2013, Nicolini, who lives in Neumarkt , began to get politically involved in MoVimento 5 Stelle . In the state elections in 2018 , he won a mandate for the South Tyrolean state parliament and, at the same time, the regional council of Trentino-South Tyrol with 516 preferential votes .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Primarie M5S, Nicolini capo lista per un voto . In: Corriere dell'Alto Adige , August 4, 2018
  2. ↑ Preferred votes for South Tyrol as a whole. State elections 2018 (Wahlen.provinz.bz.it), accessed on November 6, 2018 .