Diego zucchinetti

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Diego Zucchinetti (second half of the 18th century -?) Was an Italian classical composer .


Probably born in 1769 or 1770, Diego Zucchinetti studied at the Conservatorio della Pietà de 'Turchini on Rua Catalana in Naples . Lorenzo Fago, Pasquale Cafaro and Giacomo Tritto were probably among his teachers . As a composer in the tradition of the Neapolitan school , he composed instrumental and vocal music. His music was strongly influenced by the operatic style and bel canto .


  • Tre Sonate per harpsichord o pianoforte, con Flauto o Violino obbligato (c.1794) published in 1794 by Naderman in Paris as Op. 1. 2017 published by Ivan Bettin (* 1978) and Jacopo Columbro at the Società editrice di musicologia in Rome ISBN 979-0-705-06163-5 No. 1: I Allegro moderato II Larghetto Cantabile III Rondo . No. 2: I Allegro moderato II Tema con variazioni III Allegretto. No. 3: I Allegro II Larghetto III Rondo
  • Regina Coeli

The Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense , the Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia in Rome and the Biblioteca capitolare del Duomo in Monza own various manuscripts by Diego Zucchinetti:

  • Luci tenere vi adoro , Quartetto buffo for soprano, tenor and two basses with orchestra, dedicated to Francesca Flaviani
  • 4 masses: Mass brevi a 4 voci, with Kyrie and Gloria (C major, E flat major, G major, D major) and two Credo settings (F major, D major)
  • Theme with two variations for harpsichord in G major
  • Rondo for piano in G major
  • Sonata for harpsichord in D major
  • Nonna per il Natale (Christmas Tales) for two sopranos, bass and orchestra


  • Ivano Bettin and Jacopo Columbro (Eds.): Three Sonatas for the harpsichord or pianoforte with violin or flute (=  Instrumental Music . No. 16 ). Società Italiana di Musicologia, Rome 2017.

Web links


  • Friedrich Blume (Ed.): Music in the past and present . General encyclopedia of music . tape 16 . Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel 1986, p. 8, viii .
  • I. Bettin and J. Columbro (editors): Diego Zucchinetti: Tre Sonate per harpsichord o Pianoforte con Violino o Flauto , Roma, SEdM, 2017 [1]

Digital copies

  1. 3 Sonatas, Op.1 as digitized version at the IMSLP
  2. Regina Coeli as a digitized version at IMSLP

Individual evidence

  1. a b Diego Zucchinetti: Tre sonate per harpsichord o pianoforte con violino o flauto . Società Editrice di Musicologia, 2017, ISBN 979-0-70506163-5 ( google.de [accessed December 2, 2019]).
  2. ^ Franz Sales Kandler: About the current cultural status of the royal music college in Naples with a previous look back at the faded conservatories of this capital. In: Allgemeine Musikische Zeitung No. 50, December 12th 1821. ( limited preview in Google book search)
  3. Zucchinetti, Diego: Variations in G major, Theme with two variations. In: RISM. Accessed December 2, 2019 .
  4. http://www.sedm.it/sedm/en/component/virtuemart/zucchinetti-tre-sonate-detail.html?Itemid=0