Dieter Rittscher

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Dieter Rittscher (born July 2, 1945 in Groß Niendorf (Holstein) ) is a German business manager . He headed Energiewerke Nord (EWN) , a company specializing in the dismantling of decommissioned nuclear power plants, until the end of 2010.


Rittscher is a trained electrician and studied at the physical and technical college in Wedel / Holstein and at the engineering school for nuclear technology in Kiel . From 1971 to 1974 he was radiation protection officer at Transnuklear (subsidiary of Nukem ). From 1975 to 1977 he was involved in the development of the CASTOR container at STEAG AG . From 1978 to 1994 he played a key role in setting up the Society for Nuclear Service (GNS). He has been working for Energiewerke Nord (EWN) since 1994 . As chairman of the management board, he was responsible for the dismantling of the Greifswald and Rheinsberg nuclear power plants.

From 2002 to 2004 he was a member of the advisory board of the Association for Nuclear Process Engineering and Analytics Rossendorf (VKTA), which shut down the research reactors and nuclear facilities of the former Central Institute for Nuclear Research (ZfK) of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR. In 2002 he was appointed chairman of the management board at AVR Jülich and is responsible for the dismantling of the reactor. In 2005 he was appointed CEO of the Karlsruhe reprocessing plant . In 2008 he was appointed to the Federal Disposal Commission (ESK), which advises the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) in matters of nuclear waste disposal. When he reached the age limit, he resigned the EWN chairmanship at the end of 2010, but remained technical director of AVR Jülich.

Responsibility for the Asse mine

Companies he worked for have stored nuclear waste in the Asse mine. The SPD Lower Saxony has accused Rittscher of being jointly responsible for the storage in the Asse nuclear waste storage facility. Petra Emmerich-Kopatsch had described Rittscher as "contributing to the Asse disgrace". He is said to have "played a major role in the sloppy storage of nuclear waste in the Asse II mine near Wolfenbüttel". The SPD Lower Saxony complains that Rittscher's network is unusual and that it should be noted that "a single person has an influence on the entire nuclear technology in the public sector".

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Frank Dohmen: Dismantling of the Jülich reactor: Hot Meiler. In: Spiegel Online . July 24, 2009, accessed June 10, 2018 .
  3. Federal Government: No private nuclear storage facilities ( Memento from September 23, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
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