Dietmar Kuntzsch

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Dietmar Kuntzsch (2016)

Dietmar Kuntzsch (born June 15, 1936 in Reichenberg near Moritzburg, Saxony) is a German architect and university professor .


Rathauspassagen. View from the terrace of the residential buildings and the tower of the Red Town Hall
Kurmuschel in Sassnitz . The model photographed in front of the shell. 1986
Kurmuschel in Sassnitz . Sketch with proposals for the renovation. 2001-2003

After an apprenticeship as a carpenter from 1950 to 1953, Dietmar Kuntzsch graduated from high school in 1956 at the workers and farmers faculty of the Dresden University of Fine Arts . He then studied at the University of Fine and Applied Arts in Berlin-Weißensee with Selman Selmanagic and Erwin Krause and completed his studies in 1961 as a qualified architect. After working for a year as an architect in the VEB industrial project planning and after imprisonment in 1961/62 and 1963 for attempted " escape from the republic " and " anti-state agitation ", he worked in the design studio for steel design Fritz Kühn (1962–1964) and in the VEB Berlin project of the housing association (1964–1971) .

In 1971 Dietmar Kuntzsch began teaching at the Berlin-Weißensee School of Art , where he was appointed lecturer in 1971, Vice Rector in 1980 , Professor of Architecture in 1981 and retired in 1996. During his teaching activities, he also supervised exhibitions at the university and practical projects with students. From 1991 to 1995 he was a member of STADTFORUM BERLIN, an advisory committee for questions of urban development .


  • Complex Rathauspassagen Berlin. Project manager, collaboration in urban planning , building construction , interior design
  • Residential area planning Landsberger Allee / Weißenseer Weg Berlin; also in the Heinz Graffunder design department of the housing combine
  • Leisure center in the Volkspark Berlin-Friedrichshain , today Café Schoenbrunn, a project with colleagues from the Berlin Art Academy
  • Monument on the Berlin Wall , placed on Reinhold-Huhn-Strasse (today Schützenstrasse again) from 1973 to 1990
  • "Kurmuschel" music pavilion in Sassnitz , built in 1986/87 by Ulrich Müther , based on the design and project planning by Dietmar Kuntzsch and Otto Patzelt (construction and space remained unfinished, renovated in 2006)


  • Jens Semrau: Then what is art? The Weissensee School of Art 1946–1989 in interviews with contemporary witnesses. Lukas-Verlag, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-936872-29-5
  • STREET NUMBER ONE. Film by Oliver Päßler with credo: film for ZDF about planning, renovating and living in the Rathaus-Passagen from 1967 to 2006
  • Dietmar Kuntzsch Archive, Architecture Archive of the Academy of Arts in Berlin, part of the estate at Kollwitzstrasse 38 in Berlin

Web links

Commons : Dietmar Kuntzsch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files