Dilkea nitens

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Dilkea nitens
Holotype of Dilkea nitens

Holotype of Dilkea nitens

Eurosiden I
Order : Malpighiales (Malpighiales)
Family : Passion flower family (Passifloraceae)
Genre : Dilkea
Type : Dilkea nitens
Scientific name
Dilkea nitens

Dilkea nitens is a type of plant fromthe passion flower family (Passifloraceae). It was first described in 2011 and is native to northeastern Peru.


Appearance and leaf

Dilkea nitens is a woody plant and grows as a shrub or climbing plant . The continuously growing, bare stem axis is divided into almost equal to gradually unequal internodes . The branches become 0.5 to 1.5 centimeters long together with the internodes. They change color to light brown when drying ( herbarium material ).

The leaves are divided into a petiole and a leaf blade. The petiole-round petiole is 1.5 to 3 centimeters long and turns light brown when dry, with the exception of the lower third to half of the pulvinus . This part of the pulvinus is slightly thickened and turns black. The simple, leathery leaf blade is approximately ovoid with a length of 8.5 and 19 centimeters and a width of 5 and 6 centimeters, with the widest point near the base of the blade . The blade base is rounded and the upper end of the leaf blade is pointed or rounded and short acuminate. The leaf margin is wavy in herbarium material, this is possibly caused by the curved midrib. The leaf blade changes color to a slightly shiny light brown when drying (herbarium material). The curved median nerve is strongly raised on the underside of the leaf and 12 to 18 pairs of clearly recognizable lateral nerves branch off from it. The author of the first description did not see secondary leaves because they are not present on the herbarium material that was examined.

Generative characteristics

The almost terminal, about 5 millimeters long inflorescence stem is at least the same as the stem axis from which it arises; it is much shorter than the flower stalks and forms an almost flat surface. The triangular bracts are scale-like with a length of less than 1 millimeter. The inflorescence contains one to six flowers. The flower stalks are hardly recognizable or at most 2 millimeters long. Nothing is known about the flowers, as none are available from the herbarium that has been examined.

The fruits are approximately 4 centimeters long (including the cone-shaped structure at the upper end) and approximately 3 centimeters in diameter. At the top of the fruit there is a 3 to 4 millimeter long, narrow cone-shaped structure. Unripe, green colored fruits were found in collections in August. Their brittle pericarp is less than 1 millimeter thick. Each fruit contains a few brown seeds, which are missing from the herbarium.


The natural range of Dilkea nitens is in the in the northeastern Peru situated Loreto region . So far it has only been found in Maynas Province . No information is available about the natural location.


It was first described as Dilkea nitens in 2011 by Christian Feuillet in PhytoKeys number 2, page 5. The specific epithet nitens is derived from the Latin word for shiny and relates to the color of the upper side of the leaf compared to that of Dilkea hebes .

Dilkea nitens belongs to the subgenus Dilkea of the genus Dilkea from the tribe Passifloreae in subfamily Passifloroideae within the family of Passifloraceae .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Christian Feuillet: Two new species of Dilkea subgenus Dilkea (Passifloraceae) from Loreto, Peru . In: PhytoKeys . No. 2 , 2011, ISSN  1314-2003 , p. 5 , doi : 10.3897 / phytokeys.2.722 .
  2. a b Dilkea nitens. In: The International Plant Names Index. www.ipni.org, accessed on March 23, 2013 (English).

Web links

Commons : Dilkea nitens  - collection of images, videos and audio files