Dimitri Kitsikis

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Dimitri Kitsikis

Dimitri Kitsikis ( Greek Δημήτρης Κιτσίκης , born June 2, 1935 in Athens ) is a professor emeritus of Greek descent at the University of Ottawa and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada . His subjects were the politics of international relations, Greco-Turkish relations as well as Greek, Turkish and Chinese history.


Kitsikis was born in Athens in 1935 as the son of a well-known scientist and politician and a people's fighter . From 1947 he attended a Catholic boarding school in Paris and in 1958 he visited China . In 1962 he received his doctorate from the Sorbonne in Paris.

In 1965 he became a commissioned researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris. In the same year he founded the science of photo history. In 1968 he took part in the "May Uprising of '68" in Paris . Because of his involvement in the May Uprising, he was dismissed from the National Center for Scientific Research in 1970. In the same year he was given a full professorship in the history of international relations at the Anglo-French University of Ottawa .

He taught Chinese and Turkish history at the Universities of Ankara and Istanbul and was an advisor to Turgut Özal and Konstantinos Karamanlis . His work is a reconciliation and union between Turkey and Greece.

In 1981 he was recognized by the Bosphorus University for his scientific contribution to the study of Kemalism in Turkey . In 1991 he received the prize of the Greek Peace and Friendship Commission Ipekci for his services to the Greek-Turkish friendship.

A library in Athens was named after him in 2006.


He has published 34 scientific works of his own on international relations, Chinese, Greek and Turkish history (including a "Comparative History of Greece and Turkey", "Comparative History of Greece and China"). There are also 35 other works for which he worked as a co-author (including "Communist Parties in Western Europe", "Women and Family in Islam"). His works have been translated into various languages ​​(including Greek, Turkish, Russian, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Spanish). There are also other publications in scientific journals as well as six volumes of poems and two more with poems and drawings. Since 1996 he has published the quarterly magazine "Zwischenregion" in Greece on geopolitics and Greek-Turkish relations.

The theory of the intermediate region (Ἐνδιάμεση Περιοχή) is a subject that Kitsikis deals with continuously and on which he bases his Greek-Turkishness. The intermediate region coincides geographically with the area of ​​Eurasia, where Orthodox Christianity and Islam are predominant.

  • Propagande et pressions en politique internationale. La Grèce et ses revendications à la Conférence de la Paix, 1919-1920 . Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1963.
  • Le rôle des experts à la Conference de la Paix. Gestation d'une technocratie en politique internationale . Ottawa: Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1972.
  • Συγκριτικὴ Ἱστορία Ἑλλάδος καὶ Τουρκίας στὸν 20ό αἰῶνα . Athens: Hestia, 1978 (1990, 1998).
  • L'Empire ottoman . Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1985 (1991, 1994).
  • Συγκριτικὴ Ἱστορία Ἑλλάδος-Κίνας ἀπὸ τὴν ἀρχαιότητα μέχρι σήμερα . Athens: Herodotos, 2007.
  • La montée du national-bolchevisme dans les Balkans. Le retour à la Serbie de 1830 Paris: Avatar, 2008.
  • Περί Ηρώων: Οι ήρωες και η σημασία τους για τον σύγχρονο ελληνισμό . Athens: Herodotos, 2014.

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