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Life picture of Dimorphodon macronyx

Life picture of Dimorphodon macronyx

Temporal occurrence
Lower Jurassic
199.6 to 175.6 million years
Flugsaurier (Pterosauria)
Scientific name
Owen , 1859

Dimorphodon was a genus of medium-sized pterosaurs from the Lower Jurassic of Europe. Dimorphodon means "two types of teeth" ( Greek di - two, morph - "form", odon - "tooth"). Four to five larger teeth in the front part of the upper and lower jaw are followed by many small teeth. Different tooth types are an exception inclassic reptiles , the rule being homodontic teeth.

The fossilized fossils of Dimorphodon macronyx , the type species , were found in England by Mary Anning (1799–1847) at Lyme Regis in Dorset and originally assigned to the genus Pterodactylus . This region is now as Jurassic Coast to the UNESCO World Heritage . Most of Dimorphodon's fossils are now in the Natural History Museum in London.


Skeleton reconstruction from "Dragons of the Air" (1901) by Harry Govier Seeley

Dimorphodon was about 1 meter long and had a wingspan of 1.2 meters. Like all early pterosaurs, it had a long tail. Its head was relatively large with a length of 20 centimeters, high and resembled that of a puffin . Teeth and jaws suggest that it was, like most pterosaurs, a fish eater, but it could also have eaten insects, lizards, worms and other small creatures. Dimorphodon lived approximately 200 to 175 million years ago.


  • Dimorphodon macronyx
  • Dimorphodon weintraubi


Web links

Commons : Dimorphodon  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Foot posture in a primitive pterosaur: JM Clark, JA Hopson, DE Fastovsky, M Montellano - Nature, 1998