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Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
without rank: Digger wasps (Spheciformes)
Family : Crabronidae
Subfamily : Pemphredoninae
Genre : Diodontus
Scientific name
Curtis , 1834

Diodontus is a genus of digger wasps (Spheciformes) from the Crabronidae family. There are 76 known species worldwide, around half of which are distributed in the Palearctic . 14 species are common in Europe, six are also found in Central Europe.


The relatively small digger wasps are black and resemble those of the genus Passaloecus . Unlike these, however, they have two mandibular teeth and a ragged labrum . The pleura of Mesonotums are significantly depending on the type or slightly network structured. The rails ( tibia ) of the hind legs have short thorns on the outside. As with the genus Pemphredon , the females have a well-developed pygidial plate, which, however, in the genus Diodontus is not narrow, but broad and triangular in shape.

Way of life

The females lay their nests in the sandy or loamy soil on horizontal and vertical surfaces. The cells are supplied with green aphids (Aphididae), which are packed with the mandibles in flight . The female does not close the nest during the hunt; if the prey is carried into the nest, however, it is locked from the inside.

Parasites of the genus Diodontus exist among the golden wasps , for example Omalus cressoni parasitized in North America in the nests of Diodontus occidentalis and Omalus intermedius in those of Diodontus virginianus . Other parasitoids of Diodontus occidentalis are the ant wasps Morsyma ashmeadii and Smicromutilla powelli .


By confusing the type specimens , the Diodontus species were assigned to the genus Xylocelia in the USA until 1968 . After a decision by the ICZN , Diodontus tristis was designated as a type specimen for the genus.

Species (Europe)

supporting documents


  • Manfred Blösch: The digger wasps in Germany: way of life, behavior, distribution . 1st edition. Goecke & Evers, 2000, ISBN 3-931374-26-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Manfred Blösch: The digger wasps in Germany: way of life, behavior, distribution . 1st edition. Goecke & Evers, 2000, ISBN 3-931374-26-2 , pp. 162 f .
  2. ^ Diodontus. Fauna Europaea, accessed July 23, 2010 .
  3. Richard Mitchell Bohart and Arnold S. Menke: Sphecid wasps of the world: a generic revision. University of California Press, 1976, p. 178 ISBN 978-0-52002-318-5

Web links

Commons : Diodontus  - collection of images, videos and audio files