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Dipoinos ( ancient Greek Δίποινος , Latinized Dipoenus ) was a Greek sculptor from Crete , who probably lived in the 6th century BC. BC worked together with the sculptor Skyllis mainly in the Peloponnese . There is only literary evidence of it, the oldest sources being from the Roman Empire . The most detailed reports come from Pliny and Pausanias .

Pliny gives the 50th Olympiad as the approximate main  creative period, thus placing Dipoinos in the first half of the 6th century BC. BC, when the Medes and not yet the Persians ruled the Middle East. Dipoinos and Skyllis were the first sculptors, after Pliny, who distinguished themselves by working marble, and they are said to have used a form of Parian marble called Lychnites . Pliny reported a legend from the life of the two sculptors, after they in Sicyon with the creation of cult statues of Apollo , of Artemis , of Hercules and Athena were commissioned. Before the completion, they were offended by the Sicyonians and left for Aitonia . As a result, the harvest in Sicyon spoiled and a famine broke out. When asked for advice, the Oracle of Delphi recommended that the sculptors be brought back to complete the unfinished statues, which was finally achieved at great expense. According to Moses von Choren , the two were previously in Lydia , where the Achaemenid Cyrus stole a statue of Heracles made of gilded bronze by them.

Pausanias reports that the two were regarded as pupils of the mythical inventor and cultural hero Daidalos or were even regarded as his sons with a woman from Gortyn . Dipoinos' lifetime is thereby shifted to the mythical past. Since Pausanias is considered a reliable source for works of art he described, there was a work that could certainly be attributed to Dipoino, a group of statues in Argos , made of wood and chryselephantine . In it the Dioscuri , their wives Hilaeira and Phoibe and their sons Anaxis and Mnasinoos were represented. In ancient art writing , Dipoinos and Skyllis were considered to be the founders of an art school called the Daidaliden in 19th century research , which is said to have belonged to sculptors such as Theocles , Medon and Dorykleidas from Sparta , Klearchos from Rhegion and the brothers Angelion and Tektaios , who were active on Delos .



  1. Pliny, Naturalis historia 36, 4.
  2. Moses from Choren 2:12.
  3. ^ Pausanias 2:15 , 1.
  4. ^ Pausanias 2:22 , 5.