Discovery (apple)

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Synonyms 'Thurston August'
Art Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica )
origin Langham (Essex)
Breeding year 1949

Cross from
Worcester Parmane × Beautiful from Bath

List of apple varieties
Views of the fruit and cross section

The Discovery or Thurston August was bred in Langham , Essex ( England ) in 1949 from a cross of the varieties Worcester Parmäne and Beautiful from Bath . Today the variety can be found mainly in the domestic area in the United Kingdom , but also in Rheinhessen and the Rhineland , mainly due to the short shelf life . Due to its early ripeness between mid-August and early September, it is one of the early apple varieties and thus opens the apple season.


The apples are medium-sized at most, yellow with faded red stripes or cheeks. The flesh is yellowish-white to reddish-pink with spots with a red skin. It is crisp, firm and juicy and has a slightly sour taste. The apples are ideal for direct consumption. Longer storage in refrigeration is possible, but not recommended.


The tree is particularly characterized by its small growth. He gives an average but regular yield. It is less susceptible to scab and powdery mildew , but more susceptible to fruit tree cancer and collar rot . The inflorescences consist of five individual flowers. The recommended pollinators are James Grieve , Cox Orange or Jonathan .

Web links

Commons : Discovery (Apple)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files