Dmitri Ottowitsch op dem Hamme called von Schoeppingk

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Family coat of arms of those Op dem Hamme called von Schoeppingk

Dmitri Ottowitsch op dem Hamme called von Schoeppingk (short form: Dmitri Ottowitsch von Schoeppingk; Russian : Дмитрий Оттович Шеппинг; * July 13, 1823 in Saint Petersburg ; † March 17, 1895 in Moscow ) came from a German-Baltic aristocratic family Russian baron and a well-known ethnologist , mythologist and archaeologist . He was a member of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society in Moscow.

Work and works

Dimitri Ottowitsch began his scientific work very early and published his first work in 1849 with the title “Myths of Slavic Paganism”, another edition followed in 1862. In the same year he wrote “The Russian Nationality in its Beliefs, Rites and Stories”. Before that, the “Archive of historical and legal information on Russia” appeared in 1861 and then an article “About ancient impositions and institutions and their influence on language, life and abstract concepts of man”. Since 1868 he actively worked on the Russian journal Die Philologische Notizen and published the following articles:

  • A werewolf in his mythological and plastic personification (1866);
  • Review of the bestial epic Western Europe. Materials for a Comparative Study of Animal Symbolism (1868)
  • Etudes from folk tales. I. St. Egorius the Brave. II. Boris and Gleb - God's Forge (1884)
  • Deities of the ancient Slavs. AS Famintsina (1886)
  • Our written sources on the pagan gods of Russian mythology (1888)
  • The value of some animals, birds and other animals according to the superstition of the Russian people (1895)
  • The symbols of numbers (1893).

He devoted the main focus of his work to Slavic mythology, ethology and archeology, he lived mainly in the Moscow province and described villages and country estates that were incorporated into Moscow. Together with the archaeologist AA Gattsuk, he examined the hills near the village of Konkowo .

Origin and family

Dmitri Ottowitsch came from the ancient noble family op dem Hamme gen. Von Schoeppingk , which came from Westphalia and had settled in the Baltic States around the middle of the 16th century . A branch of this family had put themselves in the service of the Russian Empire , including his father, the Russian Major General Otto Friedrich op dem Hamme gen. Von Schoeppingk (1790–1874), who was married to Maria Dmitriewna Chertkowa (1799–1874). Dmitri Ottowitsch married the very prominent Maria Petrovna Yazykowa (1825–1875) in 1847, from this marriage came:

  • Maria Dmitriewna (1848–1916), she was married to the Russian baron and lieutenant general Nicolaus von Prittwitz Nikolai Karlowitsch Pritvits (1835–1886)
  • Elizaveta Dmitriewna and Aglaya Dmitriewna
  • Vladimir Dmitriwitsch (1853–1921), court master

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "In the 19th century Russian research on prehistory received a richer development, thanks in particular to the establishment of a number of learned societies [...] in Moscow in 1864 the" Imperial Moscow Archaeological Society ", Francis Balodis: The Russian prehistory . In: Fornvännen 43, 1948 , Pp. 170-178 ( digitized version ).
  2. Шеппинг Д.О. Мифы славянского язычества. - 1849 [1] , (reading sample)
  3. Шеппинг Д.О. Русская народность в ее поверьях, обрядах и сказках. - 1862 [2]
  4. Шеппинг Д. О.О древних навязах и наузах и влиянии их на язык, жизнь и отвлеченные понятия человека [3]