Piacenza Cathedral

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Piacenza Cathedral
inner space
Ceiling frescoes

The Piacenza Cathedral or Cathedral of the Assumption and St. Justina ( Italian Cattedrale Santa Maria Assunta e Santa Giustina ) is a church in Piacenza in Emilia-Romagna , Italy . The cathedral of the diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio has the status of a minor basilica from immemorabili .


After the great earthquake of 1117, the old St. Giustina Cathedral collapsed. Today's cathedral was probably built on its foundation walls between 1122 and 1233 in the Romanesque style with Gothic elements. First, between 1122 and 1160, the choir side with the apse , crypt , transept and side aisles was built. The facade and the Tiburio were then completed. The construction of the 72.5 meter high brick bell tower lasted until 1333 and was crowned in 1341 by a gilded copper sculpture depicting an angel called Angil dal Dom.

In the following centuries the church was enriched with decorations, chapels and altars. All of these additions were eliminated during the restoration, carried out between 1897 and 1902 under Bishop Giovanni Battista Scalabrini .


The facade was built of pink Veronese marble and sandstone with a dwarf gallery. The vertically tripartite facade is characterized by the large rose window and three important portals. These lead through a colonnade into the three-aisled basilica with the floor plan of a Latin cross, the transept is also divided into three naves . 62 free-standing columns support the barrel of the main nave and the cross vaults of the side aisles. At the crossing is the octagonal Tiburio. The ceilings are adorned with grandiose frescoes, in the crossing by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri and Morazzone and above the choir by Camillo Procaccini and Lodovico Carracci .

The high altar and the pulpit are among the most important parts of the furnishings. Also worth seeing is the large hall crypt under the choir, 108 marble columns support the ceiling. In the crypt are the relics of Saint Justina of Padua . In front of the cathedral on the Piazza Duome is the memorial column for one of the first so-called column saints Sabinus of Piacenza († 421 in Piacenza). He was Bishop of Piacenza and a student and friend of St. Ambrose .


  • Bruno Klein: The Cathedral of Piacenza. Romanesque architecture and sculpture . Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft, Worms 1995. ISBN 978-3-88462-114-1

Web links

Commons : Piacenza Cathedral  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Basilica Cattedrale di S. Giustina e S. Maria Assunta on gcatholic.org
  2. a b Architecture (Italian)
  3. Frescoes of the cathedral (Italian)

Coordinates: 45 ° 3 ′ 1 ″  N , 9 ° 41 ′ 50 ″  E