Domenico Ferrabosco

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Domenico Maria Ferrabosco (also Ferabosco ; born February 14, 1513 in Bologna ; † February 1574 ibid) was an Italian singer , conductor and composer .

He first worked in his hometown as a singer and conductor at St. Petronio. In 1546 he became conductor of the Cappella Giulia at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and in 1551 singer of the papal chapel . However, the enthronement of Pope Paul IV ended his career in Rome. He did not tolerate married artists in his service and Ferrabosco had to leave, a fate he shared with Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Leonardo Barré . Ferrabosco returned to his hometown and was active there again as Kapellmeister. His son Alfonso and his descendants continued the musical tradition of Domenico Ferrabosco.

He created a number of musically superior madrigals , and became well known for setting a poem by Boccaccio to music .
