Domenico Francia

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Domenico Francia (* 1702 in Bologna ; † 1758 ) was an Italian painter .


Domenico, son of the engraver Francesco Maria Francia , was trained by Marcoantonio Franceschini and later by Ferdinando Galli da Bibiena . From 1723 he had work assignments in Vienna and the surrounding area. In 1736 he was appointed to the Swedish royal court and in 1745 went to Lisbon, where he did not stay long. He moved back to Vienna and Lower Austria and accepted numerous commissions, for example in Maria Dreieichen , Klosterneuburg .

Works (selection)

This illusionistic architecture and ornament painting led Domenico Francia in the years 1748/49 (presbytery) and 1751/55 (long house) in the collegiate Herzogenburg from


  • The artists of all times and peoples . 2nd volume, Stuttgart 1860.
  • New general artist lexicon . 4th volume, Munich 1837.

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