Domenico Gnoli (writer)

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Domenico Gnoli

Domenico Gnoli (born November 6, 1838 in Rome ; † April 12, 1915 there ) was an Italian writer , art historian and librarian .


His year of birth is controversial, there are sources for 1838, 1836 and 1839. Coming from a family of counts, Conte Gnoli graduated in law, but soon turned to the world of books as a literary critic, poet and writer. From 1870 he taught at a Scuola media superiore (secondary level II) in Rome. Ten years later he followed a call from the University of Turin , where he taught as a professor of Italian literature from November 1880 . Just one year later, however, he returned to his hometown, from October 1, 1881, as director of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (Italian national library) in Rome. In June 1909 he took over the management of the Biblioteca Lancisiana in Sassia in Rome. From October 1910 to 1915 he was also director of the Biblioteca Angelica .

Gnoli was a member of the Società Bibliografica Italiana from 1896 to 1906 and of the Società Romana di Storia Patria from 1878. From 1893 to 1897 he was director of the magazine »Nuova Antologia«. In 1888 he was the founder and permanent collaborator of the Roman Archivio Storico dell 'Arte . One of his daughters, Ester (1862–1923), became the wife of the Romanist Karl Vossler .

He published poetry under the pseudonym Dario Gaddi . He also used the pseudonyms Gina d'Arco and Giulio Orsini. His translations included the Roman elegies by Goethe and various other German classics. Many of his critical essays have been published in the Nuova Antologia.


  • Versi , 1871 (as Dario Gaddi)
  • Odi Tiberine , Essays, 1879
  • E morto il re , 1882
  • Canto dei pellegrini alla tomba del gran re , 1883
  • Le opere di Donatello in Roma
  • Il banco d'Agostino Chigi
  • Nuove odi tiberine , 1885
  • Fra terra e astri , 1903 (as Giulio Orsini)
  • Iacovella , 1905
  • Canti del Palatino , 1923 (posthumous)


  • Umberto Bosco: Gnoli, Domenico . In: Enciclopedia Italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti . Vol. 17. Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 1933, p. 444.
  • Carmine Chiodo: Materiali per uno studio su Domenico Gnoli. "Otto / novecento" , 12 (1988), n. 5, p. 153-166.
  • Riccardo D'Anna:  Gnoli, Domenico. In: Mario Caravale (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 57:  Giulini – Gonzaga. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2001.
  • Paolo Traniello: Dai ruderi di Parigi alla neutralità degli spiriti: tracce di un itinerario culturale di Domenico Gnoli. In: Studi e testimonianze offerti a Luigi Crocetti. Milano: Bibliografica, 2004, p. 443-456.

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supporting documents

  2. a b Biography Gnoli in the Dizionario bio-bibliografico dei bibliotecari italiani del XX secolo (online; in the print version by Giorgio de Gregori pp. 101-103)
  3. ^ The New International Encyclopædia / Gnoli, Domenico , Edition of 1906