Dominique François Louis Roget de Belloguet

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Baron Dominique François Louis Roget de Belloguet (born November 30, 1795 in Bergheim in Alsace , † August 3, 1872 in Nice ) was a French historian.

life and work

Dominique François Louis Roget, Baron de Belloguet was the son of Mansuy Dominique Roget de Belloguet , a Général de division during the First Empire . He joined the army early on and distinguished himself as a young officer in the cavalry in the fighting of 1814. With the rank of Chef d'escadron he left the military service in 1834 to retire to Burgundy , where he lived in possession of a considerable fortune, independent of his historical studies. He later took up residence in Paris and, because of his health, moved from here to Nice, where he died in 1872 at the age of 76.

As a historian, Belloguet is as distinguished by its thorough research and critical mind as it is by its attractive treatment of the material. His research was initially devoted to the oldest history of Burgundy, the results of which he put down in the text Questions bourguignonnes, ou Mémoire critique sur l'origine et les migrations des anciens Bourguignons (Dijon 1846). This was followed by the Carte du premier royaume de Bourgogne (Dijon 1848) and the Origines dijonnaises dégagées des fables et des vereurs qui les ont enveloppées jusqu'à ce jour (Dijon 1851). All three works were awarded the gold medal of the Académie française . Later he set himself the task of thoroughly and comprehensively investigating questions relating to the ancient population of France, the Celts or Gauls , based on the latest research in linguistics, ethnology and antiquity . The result of these studies was the Ethnogénie gauloise, ou Mémoires critiques sur l'origine et la parenté des Cimmériens, des Cimbres, des Ombres, des Belges, des Ligures et des anciens Celtes (4 vols., Paris 1858-73), in which he discussed not only the language, origin and national nature of the Celtic tribes, but also the character of the people, religion and Druidism , public and domestic life, industry and architecture, warfare, shipping and trade of the ancient Gauls acts in detail. The work, which expanded the knowledge of Celtic antiquity at the time, earned the author the Grand Prix Gobert in the amount of 10,000 francs in 1869 .
