Donal Brendan Murray

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Donal Brendan Murray (born May 29, 1940 in Dublin ) is an Irish Roman Catholic clergyman and former Bishop of Limerick .


After graduating from Blackrock College , Murray studied philosophy at University College Dublin and Roman Catholic theology at St Patrick's College in Maynooth , where he received his B.Div. reached. He obtained his doctorate in theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome . Murray was ordained a priest on May 22, 1966 . Murray has taught at the Mater Dei Institute of Education , a college at Dublin City University . Murray became a professor of moral theology at Clonliffe College , Dublin.

On March 4, 1982, Murray was named Titular Bishop of Glenndálocha and Auxiliary Bishop in Dublin , and at that time was the youngest Catholic bishop in Ireland at the age of 41. The episcopal ordination took place on April 18, 1982 by the Archbishop of Dublin Dermot Ryan . On February 10, 1996, Murray was appointed Bishop of Limerick by Pope John Paul II and took possession of his diocese on March 24, 1996.

In November 2009, when the Murphy Report on Child Abuse Incidents in the Catholic Clergy in Ireland was published, Murray was pressed to resign as bishop due to mounting public pressure . On December 14, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI. Murray's resignation. It was not officially published until three days later, to ensure that Murray could be present in the Diocese of Limerick again at that time.

See also

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predecessor Office successor
Jeremiah Newman Bishop of Limerick
Brendan Leahy

Individual evidence

  1. a b c John Fleming: Diocese Limerick Heritage Organization , accessed December 13, 2009.
  2. ^ Irish Times: Pressure mounts on Murray to resign despite letter of support from local group
  3. Irish Times: Prelate reluctant to remain if thought a 'divisive figure'
  4. a b , accessed on December 17, 2009 9:05 pm
  5. Vatican / Ireland: Bishop Must Go , Vatican Radio , December 17, 2009