Donald Comics & More

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Donald Comics & More was a comic - magazine - number of Egmont Ehapa publishing house , which appeared from 1999 to 2000 and the follow-up publication of Donald Duck pocket books represents. The volumes are larger and almost 60 pages thicker than the Donald Duck hundred piers.


Since the sales of the Donald Duck paperback had fallen sharply until the end of 1998, an attempt was made to restart in January 1999, in keeping with Donald's 65th birthday . Attempts were made to attract attention by designing the front and back pages more conspicuously . The younger readers should also be attracted by additional editorial pages. Last but not least, comics for the television series Darkwing Duck , Goofy & Max and DuckTales should attract a similar clientele as Limit magazine used to be .

However, the project failed and was discontinued after 19 issues. It wasn't until June 2010 that Donald Duck & Co. started a thinner paperback series in Germany.


Both the editorial pages and the comics were divided into sections, with some sections being more clearly defined than others:

  • Comic worlds : This section mainly featured comics for (older) TV series.
  • Puzzle fun : puzzles
  • Double pack : two comics, each on one topic, that changed from issue to issue. In addition, were in this category psychological tests , jokes and extra pages of information on the topic in this section.
  • Donald's Crazy World : A comic strip with extra pages on a topic that was different in each issue. A double page dealt with excerpts from comics ( panels and quotes) from other stories that fit the topic.
  • Crime Worlds : Comics on the subject of crime, mostly reprints from A Case for Micky , but also comics with Phantomias or the Panzerknackerband . Plus a puzzle comic and jokes.
  • Incredible stories : Comics from the field of mystery and fantasy : monsters , ghosts and aliens appeared regularly in the stories in this section. There were also jokes, information pages and puzzles , quizzes and test pages.
  • Lists, laughs, loose sayings : jokes, funny facts and hit or record lists . There was also a sub-heading called Pile of the Month , in which an animal's excrement was described every month .
  • Action & Adventure : Comics, matching the rubric title from the genres Adventure and Action.
  • The toughest guys / tough guys : Information about "hard" jobs.

Other Information

  • In contrast to its predecessor, Donald Comics & More had a book spine motif that was distributed over the issues of a year. Since the series was broken off in the second year, only the first motif is completed.


Duckipedia - Article on Donald Comics & More , accessed October 25, 2018