Third Limfjord connection

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The Third Limfjord Connection ( Danish 3. Limfjordsforbindelse ) is a planned third road connection across the Limfjord in the Nørresundby / Aalborg area in Denmark .

The existing road connections in Aalborg Municipality are the Limfjordsbroen , which was inaugurated on March 30, 1933 in the center of Aalborg, and the Limfjord Tunnel , which is passable from 1969, via the motorway in Rørdal.


In 1973 five alternative routes were examined and a bridge in Lindholm was proposed. In 1975 an agreement was made to carry out a sketch project for this variant in order to be able to reserve the necessary land. In September 1978 the proposal for this connection with a new road west of Aalborg was confirmed. The proposal was maintained well into the 1980s.

In the autumn of 1991 Aalborg Municipality and Nordjyllands Amt decided to start a new study without state participation. In March 1992, following a previous invitation to tender, this was handed over to an engineering office, which presented the test results in May 1993. From the models, a connection via Egholm, the Lindholm solution already considered as well as a tunnel via Karolinelundsvej or a tunnel parallel to the existing tunnel were examined more closely. The construction costs were estimated at 500 to 800 million crowns , with the tunnel over the Karolinelundsvej being the most expensive solution.

In 2000 the Infrastructure Committee published a report on the traffic in Aalborg. He proposed a modernization of the orientation of the city buses. The report mentions that in 2000, 85,000 vehicles passed the Limfjord every day. In addition, the expected number of vehicles in 2015 was estimated at 120,000 vehicles per day.

In 2003, Nordjyllands Amt approved a regional plan for a third Limfjord connection with a motorway west of Aalborg. However, this was rejected by the Nature Agency (Naturklagenævnet) in 2006 as the report had not carried out an assessment of the bird life and the changed current conditions in the fjord.

In 2006, Nordjyllands Amt submitted a proposal with three different solution options:

  • West connection with fjord crossing via Lindholm (motorway)
  • West connection with fjord crossing via Egholm (motorway)
  • East connection with fjord crossing via parallel tunnel (motorway)

The three options were decided in cooperation with Aalborg Municipality and the Danish Vejdirektoratet .

In April 2006, Aalborg was hit by an accident with dramatic consequences when a scaffolding collapsed during a casting process, so that a motorway tunnel was closed for a few days. In those days, road users experienced chaos. As a result, a third tunnel tube was required. Vejdirektoratet did not undertake new investigations until 2010.

In 2007, Nordjyllands Amt was dissolved. The Danish Statistics Office published the number of vehicles across the Limfjord Bridge and the Limfjord Tunnel:

year Limfjord Tunnel Limfjord Bridge total
2006 58,246 31,364 89,610
2007 60,934 29,000 89,934
2008 61,484 27,220 88,704

According to the figures, the number of vehicles per day crossing the Limfjord seems to have increased by only 7.2 per thousand per year.

In this debate, regardless of vehicle traffic, it was proposed to set up a walking and cycling path on the side of the railway bridge. In 2010 Aalborg Municipality made 18.5 million DKK available for this project. The construction of Kulturbro-Aalborg was postponed indefinitely in 2012, but has since been implemented and opened in 2017.


In August 2011 the report on the environmental impact assessment for the western connection with fjord crossing over the island of Egholm was presented, which is the only one that is still up to date.

The Egholmlinjen is an approximately 20 km long four-lane motorway with a connection to the European route 45 (Nordjyske Motorvej) in the south and to the European route 39 (Hirtshalsmotorvejen) in the north. The motorway runs west of Aalborg over the island of Egholm under the southern arm of the Limfjord in a tunnel and over the northern arm on a low bridge. The variant is structurally secured, but no building law has yet been passed. With the “Investment Plan 2030” of March 12, 2019, funds were made available for the construction with a planned start of construction in 2024 Template: future / in 4 years.

The Environmental Impact Assessment will be updated in 2020 without changing the basic alignment. However, it is being investigated whether the new connection on the Hasseris Enge road can be moved further west. In addition, the new road is a bridge structure with the under construction airport train Aalborg to Aalborg adjusted.

After field investigations, plants and animals are to be mapped on the planned new route. On this basis, Vejdirektoratet draws up a proposal for necessary adjustments to the road construction, the structures, the space requirements and any necessary remedial measures. In a similar way, the calculation of the road project as well as the traffic and socio-economic effects are recalculated.

Web links

  • Mariann Nørgaard: 3rd LIMFJORDSFORBINDELSE. (PDF) BORGERMØDE I AALBORG. Aalborg Municipality, August 18, 2011, accessed July 16, 2020 (Danish).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Frank Studstrup: Over og under Limfjorden. In: Ingeniøren . May 6, 1994, accessed July 15, 2020 (Danish).
  2. Udvikling af infrastructures. (PDF) Aalborg Kommune, Nordjyllands Amt, Trafikministeriet, June 2000, accessed on July 15, 2020 (Danish).
  3. a b 3. Limfjordsforbindelse. In: May 19, 2020, accessed on July 15, 2020 (Danish).
  4. Borgmestersvinget åbner igen for trafik. In: Retrieved July 15, 2020 (Danish).
  5. Lisbet Christensen: Efter 11 års kamp er Kulturbroen clear til indvielse. In: March 2, 2017, accessed July 16, 2020 (Danish, video).
  6. Om projects. In: June 20, 2019, accessed July 16, 2020 (Danish).