Dryas iulia

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Dryas iulia
Dryas iulia

Dryas iulia

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Subfamily : Passion flower butterfly (Heliconiinae)
Genre : Dryas
Type : Dryas iulia
Scientific name
Dryas iulia
( Fabricius , 1775)
Wing underside
Butterfly hatches from pupa

Dryas iulia , sometimes also referred to as torch or Julia , is a butterfly ( butterfly ) from the noble butterfly family(Nymphalidae). In English usage, the species is known as Julia Butterfly , The Flame or Orange Long Wing .



The wingspan of the moth is 82 to 92 millimeters. The forewings are long and narrow and have a bright orange color, which is somewhat paler and darker in the females. The apex is black. Sometimes a black stripe crosses the fore wing. This stripe can also be present only partially or completely absent. The hind wings are also colored orange and significantly smaller in relation to the forewings. The blackish wing edge is slightly wavy. The undersides of the wings are light brown to pale orange in color and have some weakly developed darker spots.

Egg, caterpillar, pupa

The egg is lemon yellow at first and later takes on an orange or brownish mottled color. The eggs are laid individually on leaves.

Adult caterpillars have a gray-pink to blackish basic color, from which a few light spots and an interrupted whitish side stripe stand out. They are equipped with long, strongly branched, dark thorns along their entire length. These cause skin irritation in humans after contact.

The doll is colored gray-brown and has small, silvery, shiny spots on the saddle. It is designed as a falling doll and imitates a dried up leaf ( mimesis ).

Distribution and occurrence

The distribution area of ​​the species extends from the US states of Texas and Florida further south across Central America to Bolivia and northern Brazil . It occurs in particular on many islands in the Caribbean , including Cuba , the Bahamas , Dominica , St. Lucia and Martinique . Dryas iulia prefers to colonize tropical and subtropical forests.

Way of life

The moths fly in successive generations. They like to suckle on flowers or damp spots on the ground. The caterpillars live individually and feed on the leaves of various passion flower plants (Passifloraceae), especially Passiflora lutea var. Glabriflora .


There are 14 subspecies .

  • Dryas iulia iulia ( Fabricius , 1775)
  • Dryas iulia fucatus ( Boddart , 1783)
  • Dryas iulia delila ( Fabricius , 1775)}
  • Dryas iulia alcionea ( Cramer , 1779)
  • Dryas iulia dominicana ( Hall , 1917)
  • Dryas iulia framptoni ( Riley , 1926)
  • Dryas iulia lucia ( Riley , 1926)
  • Dryas iulia carteri Riley , 1926
  • Dryas iulia moderata ( Riley , 1926)
  • Dryas iulia nudeola ( Bates , 1934)
  • Dryas iulia warneri ( Hall , 1936)
  • Dryas iulia martinica Enrico & Pinchon , 1969
  • Dryas iulia largo Clench , 1975
  • Dryas iulia zoe Miller & Steinhauser , 1992


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Butterflies and Moths of North America
  2. a b c d James A. Scott: The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1986, ISBN 0-8047-2013-4 , pp. 339/340
  3. Doll at bug guide
  4. ^ Lepidoptera and some other life forms. Markku Savela, accessed October 18, 2015 .


  • James A. Scott (1986). The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-2013-4 , pp. 339/340

Web links

Commons : Dryas iulia  - collection of images, videos and audio files