Ebrahim Patel

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Patel at the 2011 World Economic Forum

Ebrahim Patel (born January 1, 1962 in District Six , Cape Town ) is a South African politician of the South African Communist Party (SACP) and since May 2009 Minister of Economic Development . In 2019, his portfolio was expanded to include Economic Development, Reade and Industry .


Ebrahim Patel's mother was a textile worker and was responsible for the family's income. In 1979, Patel graduated from high school as one of the ten best students in the country . He received a scholarship that enabled him to study. In 1980 he began his higher education at the University of the Western Cape . During his student days, he led numerous campaigns, including a boycott against pasta manufacturers and in 1980 a nationwide student protest. He was then arrested and released without charge after several months. After further anti- apartheid actions in 1981, he was charged with violating the Terrorism Actdetained and later released again without charge. In 1982 he was employed as a researcher at the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town , where he received his degree shortly afterwards.

He was also significantly involved in anti-apartheid actions, for example as a participant in the founding assembly of the United Democratic Front , where he worked on the Resolutions Committee . He also took part in the debates that led to the establishment of the Cosatu trade union federation . Subsequently, he was active as Secretary General of the National Union of Textile Workers , which was merged into the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union of South Africa in 1987 and into the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU) in 1989 , of which he also became Secretary General. In 1993 he was involved in drawing up the ANC's election program for the first free elections in South Africa.

Since 1994 Patel has been a member of the parliamentary group of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) in the National Assembly . He was a member of the executive committee of the International Labor Organization (ILO), where he participated in numerous basic programs, such as the Global Employment Agenda and the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization .

After the election of Jacob Zuma as the new President of South Africa , he was appointed Minister for Economic Development in the Zuma I cabinet on May 10, 2009 . The office was then newly created. During this time, like other ministers, he was invited to private meetings by the Gupta family , but according to his own statements, he refused. Patel was also a member of the Zuma II cabinet, which was in office from 2014 to 2018 . Cyril Ramaphosa then also appointed him to his cabinet . In the Ramaphosa II cabinet formed in 2019 , the Ministry of Trade and Industry was dissolved, so that Patel has since been Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Industry .

Patel is Muslim. He is married and has three children.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Union history. sactwu.org.za, accessed March 17, 2019
  2. a b Welcome to SACTWU. sactwu.org.za, accessed March 17, 2019
  3. Bekezela Phakathi: Ebrahim Patel says he met the Guptas but only at official functions. businesslive.co.za, November 19, 2018, accessed March 16, 2019
  4. ^ Muslim portraits. PDF page 308. sahistory.org.za (English; PDF), accessed on March 17, 2019