Eckhart Knab

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Eckhart Knab (* 1940 ) is a German psychologist with a focus on practical research in child and youth welfare and a private lecturer.


As head of a youth welfare facility, Eckhart Knab campaigned as early as the 1980s to ensure that research and evaluation were among the most important tasks of child and youth welfare . Under his direction, the Josefshaus set up its first own department for practical research in Klein-Zimmer . As part of his association work, he was intensely committed to academic training and the placement of child and youth welfare issues in the university setting.

In 1995 he founded the Institute for Child and Youth Welfare (IKJ) in Mainz , of which he was the founding director. As part of his work, he was responsible for the institute's participation in the German youth welfare impact study, the “Youth Welfare Effects Study”. He is also the founder of the IKJ's series of publications “European writings on youth welfare”. Knab was also a co-founder of the music project of the Federal Youth Welfare Service, in which over 100 children and young people from youth welfare institutions play music together with music educators and professional musicians in various fields and prepare for performances.

A graduate psychologist by training , Knab has been close to sports psychology since his studies ; his first publications also took place in this area. He later devoted himself to child and youth welfare and brought in his enthusiasm for physical activity and sports activities for disadvantaged children and young people. For many years he was a mentor for psychomotor skills and, together with Klaus Fischer, sponsored the connection between psychomotor skills and youth welfare at the University of Cologne . Knab also introduced the system of resource-oriented pedagogy into youth welfare - in the handbook of help for education (2014), for the first time, there is talk of an independent subject area “resource- oriented pedagogy ” in the aids for education.

By founding the “European Charity University” association, Knab promoted the ethical dimension in the sciences, especially in the theoretical foundations of social work . With the founding of the working group Fachzentrum Erziehungshilfe at the University of Cologne at the chair of Phillip Walkenhorst, Knab succeeded in getting a little closer to his vision of the university anchoring of educational aids through a new networking and localization of youth welfare topics at Cologne University. The promotion of specialists and managerial staff and their academic training with the aim of including more youth welfare practice in university training and providing practitioners with more scientifically sound knowledge for practice is particularly important to him. As part of his position as a private lecturer, the implementation of doctoral colloquia for working managers in youth welfare was a special project at the University of Cologne.

Eckhart Knab has four grown children and lives in Mainz .

Publications (selection)

  • Introduction to the topic: Moto pedagogy and home education for behavioral disorders. In: E. Knab (Ed.): Home education for the theory and practice of public education in homes for people with behavioral disorders. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main / Bern 1983, pp. 17-28.
  • Moto pedagogy in home education for young people - Presentation of a concept of movement education in St. Josephshaus Klein-Zimmer. In: Jugendwohl. 67, 3 1986, pp. 109-115.
  • with P. Ach: youth welfare center St. Josephshaus Klein-Zimmer. In: E. Knab (Ed.): From the boy rescue center to the youth welfare center. 2., revised. Edition. Lambertus, Freiburg i. B. 1991, pp. 41-68.
  • with J. Dieteren, JP Boonens: Structure and developments in Dutch youth welfare. In: H. Mörsberger (Hrsg.): Europe - challenge for educational assistance. Lambertus, Freiburg i. B. 1995, pp. 113-121.
  • with P. Flosdorf , E. Hohm, A. Holländer, H. Hölzl, K. Lund, M. Macsenaere , H. Mörsberger, F. Petermann, M. Schmidt: The help plan according to § 36 KJHG, an empirical study on procedures and Criteria of its creation. (= Contributions to educational assistance. 10). Lambertus, 1995.
  • Movement education and sport in home education for children and adolescents with behavioral disorders in the Federal Republic of Germany. Inaugural dissertation . Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf 1997.
  • with M. Macsenaere: The Youth Welfare Effects Study. In: Jugendwohl. 78 (5), 1997, pp. 201-209.
  • as ed. with M. Macsenaere; Jo Weijenberg: Integrative teamwork in educational assistance. (= European studies on youth welfare. Volume 1). Institute for Child and Youth Welfare, Mainz 1987.
  • with M. Macsenaere: Structural quality in Catholic institutions - results of a regional survey. In: Klaus Esser (Ed.): Youth Welfare Tomorrow - Quality Management in Home Education. (= Contributions to educational assistance. Volume 16). Lambertus, Freiburg 1998, pp. 38-47.
  • Sports in home education. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 1999.
  • as ed. with E. Knab, M. Macsenaere; Jo Weijenberg: Integrative teamwork in educational assistance. (= European studies on youth welfare. Volume 1). 2nd Edition. Institute for Child and Youth Welfare, Mainz 1999.
  • as editor: with M. Macsenaere: Music pedagogy in home education. (= European studies on youth welfare. Volume 6). Institute for Child and Youth Welfare, Mainz 2004.
  • as ed. with M. Macsenaere: Evaluation study of educational aid (EVAS) - An introduction. Lambertus, Freiburg i. B. 2004.
  • with R. Fehrenbacher: The neglected hope. Contributions to child and youth welfare. Lambertus, Freiburg 2009.
  • as ed. with Michael Macsenaere, Klaus Esser, Stephan Hiller: Handbuch der Hilfen zur Erbildung . Lambertus, Freiburg i. Br. 2014, ISBN 978-3-7841-2121-5

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Youngsters made great performances. Retrieved July 10, 2020 .
  2. ^ A b socialnet Reviews: Eckhart Knab, Daniel Mastalerz: Developments in the educational aid. In: Retrieved July 10, 2020 .
  3. ^ European Charity University: people. Retrieved July 10, 2020 .
  4. European Charity University ev
  5. ^ University of Cologne: Faculty of Human Sciences. Retrieved July 10, 2020 .