Eda Ahi

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Eda Ahi (2014)

Eda Ahi (born February 1, 1990 in Tallinn ) is an Estonian poet .


Ahi grew up in a bilingual Russian-Estonian family and also has Chuvash ancestors. She graduated from high school in Tallinn and then studied Romance languages ​​with a focus on Italian at Tallinn University . During her studies, she spent a year at the University of Florence . After her bachelor's degree , she studied at the University of Tartu as part of the “European Union - Russia” program, and in 2015 obtained her master’s degree.

Eda Ahi lives in Tallinn and has been a member of the Estonian Writers' Union since 2014 .


Eda Ahi made her debut after publications in magazines in 2012 with a volume of poetry that mainly contained rhythmic and rhyming poetry. On the one hand, this type of poetry does not belong to the mainstream of modern Estonian poetry, but on the other hand it is intensively cultivated by two recognized representatives of contemporary Estonian poetry - Doris Kareva and Indrek Hirv . It is precisely this connection to the traditions of Estonian poetry that was emphasized in the reviews of the award-winning debut volume, whereby recognized greats of Estonian poetry such as Betti Alver , Heiti Talvik , Viivi Luik or Artur Alliksaar were mentioned as well as connections to Russian symbolism were discovered.

Her later work has also been compared again and again with greats from Estonian poetry history such as Marie Under , although there is never any mention of epigonism, rather the poet's own originality is always emphasized. Part of this originality of the largely rhymed poetry is the combination of different languages, which increases the variety of rhymes.



  • Maskiball ( masked ball) s. l .: Värske Raamat 2012. 60 pp.
  • Gravitatsioon (gravitation). Tallinn: Verb 2013. 56 pp.
  • Julgeolek (security). Tallinn: Verb 2014. 39 pp.
  • Sadam (port). Tallinn: Verb 2017. 47 pp.
  • Sõda ja rahutus (war and unrest). Tallinn: Verb 2018. 45 pp.

Literature on the author

  • Kadri Tüür: Maskiball ja silmakiri, in: Looming 2/2013, pp. 263–266.
  • Ott Kilusk: Kummardus riimilisele luulele, in: Vikerkaar 3/2013, pp. 97-99.
  • Jürgen Rooste : Siiralt sooritatud patud ainult kaunistavad naist !, in: Looming 1/2014, pp. 130-133.
  • Review in: Estonian Literary Magazine 38 (spring 2014), pp. 34–36 [1]
  • Eda Ahi / Carolina Pihelgas : Aja ja ajaloo hääl, in: Looming 8/2014, pp. 1106–1111.
  • Rhyme and reason. Interview by Jayde Will, in: Estonian Literary Magazine 40 (Spring 2015), pp. 10-13 [2]
  • Mariliin Vassenin: Neljanda oleku sädelus, in: Looming 5/2015, pp. 721–723.
  • Carolina Pihelgas: Five Snow Whites and Not a Single Prince, in: Estonian Literary Magazine 44 (Spring 2017), 34–38 [3]

Web links

Commons : Eda Ahi  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Eda Ahi / Carolina Pihelgas: Aja ja ajaloo hääl, in: Looming 8/2014, p. 1107.
  2. http://www.ester.ee/record=b4497507*est
  3. Kadri Tüür: Maskiball ja silmakiri, in: Looming 2/2013, p. 263.
  4. Ott Kilusk: Kummardus riimilisele luulele , in: Vikerkaar 3/2013, pp. 97-99.
  5. Jürgen Rooste: Siiralt sooritatud patud ainult kaunistavad naist !, in: Looming 1/2014, p. 132.
  6. Eda Ahi, Carolina Pihelgas: Aja ja ajaloo hääl , in: Looming 8/2014, pp. 1109–1110.