Edith Elmay

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Edith Elmay (born July 24, 1936 in Vienna ) is a former Austrian actress .


Edith Elmay began her career as an actress in the 1950s with supporting roles in films such as Scandal in Ischl and Endstation Liebe . In 1958 she played at the side of Heinz Erhardt , Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff and Wolf Albach-Retty in Immer die Radfahrer . She played her last roles in television productions, such as in 1964 in the series Clouds over Kaprun .



  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 3: Peit – Zz. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1961, DNB 451560752 , p. 1414.

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