Lightning girls to the front

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Original title Lightning girls to the front
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1958
length 88 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Werner Klingler
script Hans Hellmut Kirst
Johann Alexander Hübler-Kahla
production Johann Alexander Hübler-Kahla
music Horst Dempwolff
camera Erich Claunigk
cut Klaus M. Eckstein

Blitzmädels an die Front is a German war film by the director Werner Klingler from 1958 with Eva Ingeborg Scholz , Antje Geerk , Horst Frank and Klausjürgen Wussow in the leading roles. The script was written by Hans Hellmut Kirst and Johann Alexander Hübler-Kahla . In the Federal Republic of Germany, the film was first shown in cinemas on August 22, 1958.


1944: Towards the end of World War II , Oberführer Hanna Helmke - together with 30 helpers (colloquially known as "Blitzmädel" because of the emblem on the uniform) - is sent to the news center of a field airfield that the German Air Force has built near the French western front. Lieutenant Wagner has long since thrown overboard his conviction that the war can still be won and makes no secret of it. He therefore considers delegating the girls to be pointless. Because of his frank statements, he soon comes into conflict with Hanna Helmke. She only has her service regulations in mind and is used to both receiving and giving orders.

The invasion of the Allies is not long in coming. The director and screenwriters take this as an opportunity to describe a few individual fates of the lightning girls. Quite a few of them die on their missions. A love story between a Wehrmacht helper and a Frenchman with her tragic end is also built in.

Before the Allied troops storm the camp, Helmke is ordered to go with her intelligence officers to another camp, where they can be used to care for the wounded.


"Politically and morally questionable war film in a supposedly documentary style."


Program for the film from the publishing house Das Neue Film-Programm , Mannheim, No. 4014

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. rororo-Taschenbuch No. 3174 (1988), p. 368