Bert Fortell

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Bert Fortell (born September 18, 1924 as Albert Fortelni in Baden near Vienna , Austria , † August 27, 1996 in Vienna ) was an Austrian actor .


Bert Fortell's grave

Fortell, son of the chauffeur and singer Adalbert Fortelni (also: Bertl Fortelny) and his wife Auguste, worked as a car dealer after the Second World War and received artistic training at the Prayner Conservatory in Vienna. In 1948 he made his debut in Sankt Pölten as Valentin in Goethe's Faust . Other stages were the Löwinger stage and a theater in Klagenfurt .

From 1952 he appeared at the Vienna Volkstheater . From then on, as a lover and outdoorsman, he also received several important film roles. In weather lights around Maria he was partner of Marianne Hold . As a staunch communist, he also made two films in the GDR , the first in 1956 as Tsar and Zimmermann .

In later years he mainly played at the Theater in der Josefstadt . He had his last major, extremely successful theater appearances from 1989 at the Berndorf City Theater (director: Felix Dvorak ).

He is the father of the actors Albert Fortell (* 1952) and Marius Robert Fortelni.

His wife was Gerda Fortelni († 2007).

Both grave sites are on the Grinzinger Friedhof (group 3, number 55) in Vienna.



  • Alfred Cermak : Bert Fortell . Photography. Sl around 1960. - Image .
  • Josef Treitl (collection): Bert Fortell. Collection of newspaper articles . (Contains countless newspaper clippings in 1 folder). Sl 1990, OBV .
  • Bert Fortell. Actor . Tagblattarchiv (press reviews). (Six sheets). Sl 1990/96, OBV .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Piano humorist (harmonica) for New Year's Eve free (...). In:  Baden newspaper. Democratic Organ , No. 55/1945 (LXVI. Volume), December 22, 1945, p. 5, advertisements, column 5. (Online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / bzt.
  2. ^ Population register of Baden . In: Address book of the spa town of Baden. Edition 1933/34 . Prokopp (Ed.), Baden 1933, ZDB -ID 672379-2 (old), p. 36.
  3. Interview with Albert Fortell at the Kölner Treff on April 24, 2009