The strange life story of Friedrich Freiherrn von der Trenck

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Original title The strange life story of Friedrich Freiherrn von der Trenck
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1973
length approx. 450 minutes
Director Fritz Umgelter
script Leopold Ahlsen
production Wolfgang Hundhammer
music Miloslav Hurka
camera Gernot Roll , Joseph Vilsmaier

The Strange Life Story of Friedrich Freiherrn von der Trenck is a German television series in six parts from 1972.

The six-part tells the story of Friedrich von der Trenck, who was driven to military training by King Friedrich II . When he falls in love with Amalie , the king's sister, he falls from grace. Amalie has to go to a women's pen, Trenck flees via Austria to France, where he ends up under the guillotine.


Part 1: (ZDF: January 1, 1973) King and Cadet

“I hear wonderful things about your mind. But it seems that you are messing up, " says Prussian King Friedrich II. In the Königsberg University to the intelligent and duel-happy student Friedrich Freiherr von der Trenck. He asks the young man to be trained for the army. Trenck obeys. In Potsdam he soon turned out to be the most talented cadet of all. Trenck will soon be promoted. At first, Friedrich II saw his childhood friend Hans Hermann von Katte in him again.

Trenck falls in love with Amalie, the king's sister. He gives Amalie a precious fan. But his love for Amalie becomes his undoing. Trenck is arrested on the orders of the king, who disapproves of the relationship between Amalie and the baron.

Part 2: (ZDF: January 7, 1973) On the run

On the orders of Frederick II, Trenck is being held at Glatz Fortress . The king also forbids his sister Amalie to have any contact with the rebel and plans to buy her into a monastery as an abbess. Amalie is deeply hurt.

In Glatz, Trenck meets Lieutenant Nikolai, who is planning to desert. The matter is exposed, Lieutenant Nikolai has to run the gauntlet , Trenck has to attend the punishment. When the commanding officer lets the already unconscious Nikolai dragged through the alley, Trenck succeeds in knocking the captain off his horse, snatching his sword and fleeing. He passes two guards in the fortress Glatz. Although he bravely and skillfully uses the weapon, he is caught again a little later. After a few failed attempts and a total of eleven months imprisonment at Glatz Fortress, Trenck managed to break out. After an adventurous escape, he found refuge in the castle of Baroness Lazar in Bohemia, which he already knew. The women can offer little resistance to the charm of the young daredevil.

The way to Vienna to see his cousin, the Pandur colonel , is open to him.

Part 3: (ZDF: January 14, 1973) The Pandur

In Vienna, Friedrich von der Trenck meets his cousin Franz von der Trenck , who goes by the name of Trenck the Pandur and is feared because of his licentiousness. The Pandur Franz von der Trenck enjoys the worst possible reputation. He is simply considered a murder burner. Friedrich also felt something of this bad reputation when he pointed out that he was related to Baron Franz von der Trenck in Vienna. He learns that he has meanwhile fallen out with the highest army command and that a highly embarrassing trial for evasion and other offenses can be expected. The Pandur not only snubbed his Prussian cousin in the worst possible way, he even had him attacked by two officers who were friends. When Friedrich defends himself, he is arrested. He can only save himself by fleeing to Russia quickly.

Part 4: (ZDF: January 21, 1973) Russian Roulette

Freiherr von der Trenck managed to make his way to Moscow. He joins the Russian service as a captain. At the Russian court, he falls in love with Anuschka von Lieven and also has a relationship with Anastasi Bestuscheff, the wife of the chancellor. When they find out about him, they try to suspect him of counterfeiting. Trenck can justify himself, but he has to leave the Russian court.

He fled to Austria, where after his cousin's suicide there was to be a large fortune waiting for him.

Part 5: (ZDF: January 28, 1973) In the trap

Trenck has been ill-advised with his cousin's inheritance. The late Pandur Franz has run 63 property lawsuits alone. The Austrian state bureaucracy tries by all means to prevent Trenck from getting at the huge estates. You don't even shrink from attempting murder.

Things become dangerous for Trenck when he returns to Danzig because his mother has died. The Austrians intercept him with the help of a beautiful woman and deliver him to the Prussian king. Trenck is chained by him.

Part 6: (ZDF: February 4, 1973) The crypt

Under the toughest conditions, Trenck was imprisoned in the Magdeburg fortress on the orders of Frederick II . On the floor of his cell, the Prussian king had a grave slab with a skull and the name "Trenck" walled in as a psychological torture. But despite the iron chains, Trenck does not allow himself to be worn down on his hands and feet. He is still planning to escape from the gloomy dungeon, especially since outside help is available: Lieutenant Sunday maintains contact with Princess Amalie. But a well-planned escape attempt fails.

It was not until 1763, at the end of the Seven Years' War , that the king released his former favorite from the harsh sentence.

Trenck immediately resigns and begins to write frank memoirs. He angered the imperial court, fled to Paris, got caught in the turmoil of the French Revolution and died by the guillotine .


  • Since 1976 the series has been shortened by about 20 minutes and in five parts. The uncut version has not been broadcast since then and has not been published in the media.
Part 1 - Cadet and King
Part 2 - On the run
Part 3 - In the service of others
Part 4 - The legacy of the Pandur
Part 5 - The crypt
  • In 2012 the series (five-part version) appeared on three DVDs, including bonus material and a booklet.


  • Eberhard Cyran: Friedrich Freiherrn von der Trenck's strange life story. Memoirs and History. Arani-Verlag, 1996 (new edition), ISBN 376058666X .

See also

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