Georg Christoph von Jaschinski

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Georg Christoph von Jaschinski also Jaschinsky or Jaschinesky (* before 1741 in Litthauen , † after 1787) was a Prussian colonel .


Georg Christoph was a member of the Polish- Prussian noble family Jaschinski and Jasinski.

Jaschinski served in Infantry Regiment No. 21 until 1741 . The king promoted and transferred him that year as Rittmeister to the Garde du Corps . In the Battle of Hohenfriedeberg Jaschinski was able to excel to such an extent that he was immediately promoted to lieutenant colonel. He was promoted to colonel and commander of the regiment, but on September 20, 1747, he was transferred as a commander to cuirassier regiment No. 9 . In September of 1750 Jaschinski received his departure and in November of the same year a salary and the Drostei Orsoy in the Duchy of Kleve . However, he spent his old age in Königsberg at least until 1787 .

He was married to a daughter of an imperial field marshal Freiherr von Roth, but she died before him.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Preussisches Adels-Lexicon , Volume 3, Leipzig 1837, p. 27 .
  2. Information from König (lit.). Five possible field marshal lieutenants are known: Baron Franz Christoph von Rodt (1671–1743); Baron Wilhelm Moritz von Roth († 1747); Baron Anton Egbert von Rodt (1710–1768); Baron Joseph von Roth († 1772) and Baron Georg Roth von Pongyelok (1726–1799).