Edition Delta

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The Edition Delta is an independent literary publishing house based in Stuttgart . The publisher specializes in bilingual books, with an emphasis on modern classics from world literature, as well as more recent, sophisticated and urban literary discoveries from Latin America , the Iberian Peninsula , lusophone Africa , Korea and Bangladesh . The program of the Edition Delta form six rows Quality: Latin American Poetry - Catalan poetry - Lusophone poetry , d. H. Portuguese-language poetry from several continents such as Latin America (Brazil), Africa (Angola and São Tomé e Príncipe) and Europe (Portugal) - Spanish poetry - Korean literature - Bangla poetry . The publisher's authors include Humberto Ak'abal , Homero Aridjis , Chae Manshik , Rubén Darío , Eugénio de Andrade , Casimiro de Brito , Haroldo de Campos , Ángela García , Juan Gelman , Fermín Higuera , Hwang Sok-Yong , Juan Ramón Jiménez , Roberto Juarroz , Jung Young Moon , Kim Hoon , Conceição Lima , Henry Luque Muñoz , Mah Chonggi , Maria-Mercè Marçal , Joan Margarit , Miquel Martí i Pol , José Emilio Pacheco , Teresa Pascual , Park Hijin , Gustavo Pereira , Antonio Porchia , Aminur Rahman , António Ramos Rosa , Juan Manuel Roca , Andrés Sánchez Robayna , Jaime Siles , Pedro Shimose , Shin Dal Ja , Alberto Szpunberg , Ana Paula Tavares and Toegye .

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