Antonio Porchia

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Antonio Porchia (born November 13, 1885 in Conflenti ( Calabria ), † November 9, 1968 ) was an Argentine writer (poet) of Italian origin.

When his father died in an accident at work in 1900, Antonio Porchia emigrated to Argentina . He earned his living in a wide variety of professions, including a. in a print shop and later as a dock worker. He became world-famous with his work "Voces", a collection of aphorisms that he published in Spanish.

Thanks to the enthusiastic first translation into French by Roger Callois at the end of the 1940s, Antonio Porchia won over for René Char , Raymond Queneau , André Breton , Henry Miller and others. a. Cult status . It was later translated into English by the writer WS Merwin . But also Enrique Banchs , Alejandra Pizarnik , Jorge Luis Borges and significantly Roberto Juarroz and Laura Cerrato confirmed Antonio Porchia's influence on their work.

Benedikt Erenz recommends booksellers to classify these poetic "thought images" by Antonio Porchia under "world literature" and praises the local explorers and translators: "Juana and Tobias Burghardt have now entrusted Antonio Porchia to the German language."

Works (selection)

  • Voces completas - Collected voices Tropen-Verlag, Berlin 2005 (imprint by Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart). Edited from Argentine Spanish and with an afterword by Juana and Tobias Burghardt. ISBN 3-932170-72-5 .
  • Voces abandonadas - abandoned voices . Tropen-Verlag, Berlin 2002. Edited, from the Argentine Spanish and with an editorial afterword by Juana and Tobias Burghardt. With an essay by Laura Cerrato. ISBN 3-932170-58-X .
  • Voces - voices . Tropen-Verlag, Cologne 1999. Edited and from the Argentinean Spanish by Juana and Tobias Burghardt. With an essay by Roberto Juarroz. ISBN 3-932170-20-2 .
  • Voces nuevas - New voices . Edition 350 (Verlag der Kooperative Dürnau), Dürnau 1995 / Edition Delta, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-88861-107-5 .


  • León Benarós: Antonio Porchia. Con estudio preliminar, testimonios, judicios críticos, cartas inéditas y antología de "Voces" . Hachette, Buenos Aires 1988, ISBN 950-506-165-X .
  • Francisco J. Cruz Pérez: Antonio Porchia. La experienca del abismo . In: Cuadernos hispanoamericanos , No. 489 (1991), pp. 65-73.
  • Miguel Espejo: Antonio Porchia. Habitante del universo . In: Noé Jitrik (Ed.): Atípicos en la literatura latinoamericana . Ciclo Básico Común, Buenos Aires 1997, ISBN 950-29-0368-4 .
  • Roberto Juarroz: Antonio Porchia o la profundidad recuperada . In: Umbral. Revista del conocimiento y la ignorancia , No. 8 (1996), pp. 133-143.
  • Raúl Rossetti: Antonio Porchia. Las revelaciones desnudas . In: Proa. En letras y en las artes , No. 41 (1999), pp. 69-79.

Individual evidence

  1. Benedikt Erenz , 'Belletristik', in: Die Zeit No. 04 (January 16, 2003).
  2. Benedikt Erenz: BELLETRISTIK . In: The time . No. 04/2003 ( online ).