Eduard Andorfer

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Eduard Andorfer (born August 12, 1899 in Graz ; † February 22, 1973 there ) was an Austrian art historian .


Andorfer graduated from the Graz secondary school in 1917 and then did military service in Galicia, Italy and France. After four years of studying at the Graz University of Technology , he switched to art history and classical archeology and received his doctorate in 1924 with Hermann Egger at the University of Graz with a thesis on the sculptor Veit Königer . He then worked as a librarian at the Art History Institute of the University of Graz until 1927. From 1928 to 1929 Andorfer worked as the state curator for Carinthia in the Vienna Federal Monuments Office. From 1929 to 1936 he worked in the State Monuments Office for Styria. Andorfer also studied law and received his doctorate in 1935. His work as an assistant at the Art History Institute ended with his service as a soldier in World War II . Andorfer headed the Graz City Museum from 1945 to 1964 . From 1952, Andorfer was also a department head at the Universalmuseum Joanneum .

Andorfer curated a. a. Exhibitions on Alexander Girardi (1950), Hugo Wolf (1954), Austrian theater past and present (1955), Graz Biedermeier and post-Biedermeier (1958).


  • Veit Königer and his works (= contributions to the history of art in Styria and Carinthia, Volume 1). U. Moser, Graz 1925.
  • Old Styrian wrought iron doors. In: Blätter für Heimatkunde . Vol. 15, 1937.
  • State tourism exhibition in Graz in 1948. Catalog, Styrian Regional Foreign Traffic Office, Graz 1948.
  • Alexander Girardi. Music and theater show. Exhibition December 5 to 20, 1950, Stadtmuseum, Graz 1950.
  • The old opera house on Tummelplatz in Graz. History of construction and ownership. In: Festschrift Julius Franz Schütz. Böhlau, Graz / Cologne 1954.
  • Two designs by the baroque sculptor Veit Königer. In: Pirchegger Festschrift. Journal of the Historisches Verein für Steiermark 44, 1955.
  • Dehio manual . Styria. The art monuments of Austria. Eberhard Hempel, Eduard Andorfer; Revised by Maria Schaffler, Eberhard Hempel and Eduard Andorfer, 3rd revised edition, Schroll, Vienna / Munich 1956.
  • The face of the city of Graz then and now. In: Styria. Country, people, performance. Styrian regional government, Graz 1956.
  • The guild type of the Graz goldsmiths from 1633. In: Festschrift W. Sas-Zaloziecky for his 60th birthday. Academic printing and publishing establishment, Graz 1956.
  • Participation in the Archduke Johann Memorial Exhibition. Overall management: Bruno Binder-Krieglstein, Joanneum, Graz 1959.

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