Eduard Graefe

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Eduard Graefe

Heinrich Eduard Graefe (born January 10, 1799 in Hamburg , † August 23, 1867 in Königsberg i. Pr. ) Was a German bookseller .


Gräfe joined the Campe'sche school bookshop in Braunschweig as an apprentice in 1813 . From 1819 to 1823 he worked for August Wilhelm Unzer in Königsberg. There he met his future wife Minna Unzer . In 1825 he founded a commission bookshop in Leipzig. Two years later he sold the flourishing company to the brothers Friedrich Brockhaus and Heinrich Brockhaus , because his father-in-law wanted him in his Königsberg business. Gräfe later regretted this step very much.

From January 1, 1832, the bookstore in Königsberg was jointly run by Eduard Graefe as a partner and Johann Otto Unzer, the son of August Wilhelm Unzer, now under the name Graefe and Unzer . Gräfe became the sole owner in 1848. He was able to overcome the financial difficulties of his company. The business relationships reached far beyond the borders of Königsberg, right into the Russian Empire . The mail order business with German-language book titles generated the largest share of the proceeds .

The son Heinrich Wilhelm Graefe joined his father's business as an apprentice in 1846. He became managing director in 1856 and authorized signatory in 1857.


  • Kurt Forstreuter : Graefe and Unzer. Two centuries of book trade in Königsberg . Koenigsberg 1932.
  • Kurt Forstreuter: Heinrich Eduard Graefe . In: Old Prussian Biography Vol. 1, Marburg 1974, p. 227.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Archives of Graefe and Unzer.
  2. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Würzburg 2002, p. 108.
  3. DNB certificate