Eduard Meyer (beer brewer)

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Eduard Meyer (born January 25, 1826 in Hanover ; died September 7, 1899 there ) was a German brewer .


Advertising poster Lindener Actien-Brauerei, vorm. Brande & Meyer , around 1900

Eduard Meyer was born before the industrialization of the Kingdom of Hanover . As a businessman, he and his brother-in-law August Brande founded the Brande & Meyer brewery in Linden near Hanover in 1852 , which was converted into a stock corporation in 1871, the year the empire was founded, and then initially known as the Lindener Aktien Brauerei. Brande & Meyer operated.

Meyer, who also had his residence in Linden in 1860, is accepted as the manufacturer and brewery owner E. Meyer described in Wilhelm Raabe's diaries , the Raabe “on the verge of political events” on August 23, 1861 during the second general assembly of the German National Association met personally as a participant in the meeting.

After the death of his partner Brande in 1875, Eduard Meyer ran the brewery in a leading position as a director and continued to expand the company until his own death at the age of 73.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Friedhelm Henrich: Wilhelm Raabe and German unity. The diary documents of the years 1860 - 1863 , Munich: Fink, 1998, ISBN 978-3-7705-3284-1 and ISBN 3-7705-3284-8 , p. 122; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. a b Director Eduard Meyer † , in Eugen Prior (Hrsg.): Bayerisches Brauer-Journal , IX. Volume 38, September 23, 1899, p. 457; Digitized via the Bavarian State Library
  3. ^ Waldemar R. Röhrbein : Brande, August , in: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon , p. 67; Digitized via Google books