Edouard Phillips

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Edouard Phillips

Édouard Phillips (born May 21, 1821 in Paris , † December 14, 1889 in Narmont ) was a French mathematician , structural engineer and mining engineer .


Édouard Phillips was born in 1821 to an Englishman and a Frenchwoman. He did not take French citizenship until he was a student at the École polytechnique . After completing his studies, he worked as a mathematician in mining and railway companies , among others . He then taught from 1864 to 1875 at the École Centrale and partially overlapping at the École Polytechnique from 1866 to 1879 , where he held the Bour professorship in mechanics . The Académie des Sciences elected him a member at the third attempt in 1868, as successor to Léon Foucault . The French government appointed him mining inspector general in 1882.


Phillips was the first to use centrifugal acceleration of scaled-down architectural models to study stress damage.

From 1845 until his death he published several writings. The two writings from 1869 were referred to as his main work in his necrology. In the first publication from 1869 he dealt with quasi-static problems, showed the limits of the calculation possibilities at that time and then suggested the use of models. The second writing contained an extension of his calculations to dynamic effects. His observation that inertial time scaling in the centrifugal model is similar to centrifugal time scaling is still valid today.

In addition, Phillips published papers on the hairspring and the regulation of clocks . One type of canceled outer end curve of balance springs is known today as the Phillips end curve .


  • Practical manual for l'étude et le calcul des ressorts en acier employés dans le matériel des chemins de fer. Carilian-Goeury & V. Dalmont, Paris 1852, ( digitized ).
  • Mémoire sur le spiral réglant des chronomètres et des montres. In: Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées . Series 2, Vol. 5, 1860, pp. 313-366 ; (Again in: Annales des Mines. Mémoires. Series 5, Volume 20, 1861, pp. 1–107 ; again in: Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Académie des Sciences de l'Institut Impérial de France. Sciences mathématiques et physiques . Volume 18, 1868, pp. 129-229 ).
  • Mémoire sur le réglage des chronomètres et des montres dans les positions verticale et inclinées. In: Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences . Volume 58, 1864, pp. 287-292 ; Pp. 363-367 .
  • De l'influence de la forme du balancier compensateur des chronomètres sur l'isochronisme, indépendamment des variations de température. In: Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Volume 66, 1868, pp. 526-530 .


  • Édouard Phillips: On isochronism (= Antiquarian Horological Society Monograph. 15, ISSN  0518-0333 ). A translation of the works of Edouard Phillips on the isochronism of balance springs and pendulums. With biographical notes, by JD Weaver. Antiquarian Horological Society, London 1978.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ William H. Craig: The seven ages of centrifuge modeling ( Memento of July 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). In: Sarah Springman (Ed.): Constitutive and centrifuge modeling: Two extremes. Proceedings of the Workshop on Constitutive and Centrifuge Modeling: Two Extremes, Monte Verità, Switzerland, 8-13 July 2001. Balkema, Lisse et al. 2002, ISBN 90-5809-361-1 , pp. 165-174.
  2. ^ Henry Léauté : Phillips (1821-1889). In: Livre du Centenaire. 1794-1894. Ecole Polytechnique. Volume 1: L'École et la Science. Gauthier-Villars et fils, Paris 1895, pp. 213-219 .
  3. Édouard Sauvage: Notice nécrologique sur Édouard Phillips Inspector général des mines. In: Annales des Mines. Mémoires. Series 8, Volume 19, 1891, pp. 343-378, ( digitized ).
  4. Mémoire sur le spiral réglant Chronometer et des montres. In: Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées. Series 2, Volume 5, 1860, pp. 313-366.