Eduardo Pitta

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Eduardo Pitta

Eduardo Pitta (born August 9, 1949 in Lourenço Marques , now Maputo, Mozambique ) is a Portuguese writer who is also active as a poet, essayist , narrator, novelist , columnist and literary critic .


Pitta was born in what is now Maputo and came to Portugal with his family - like hundreds of thousands of other Portuguese - after the country gained independence. Since 1967 he has been writing and publishing regularly, initially between 1967 and 1975 in Mozambique, newspapers and magazines for the Portuguese community.

To date, a total of around 20 books by the author have been published. In addition, many texts in national and international anthologies and magazines in Portugal , Spain , France , Brazil , the USA and Italy . He was also a regular participant in literary conferences in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Colombia .

As editor he is responsible for the completion of the complete works of António Botto .

He worked as a columnist and literary critic for various Portuguese newspapers and magazines, for example for Colóquio-Letras (1987 to 2018), LER (1990 to 2014), the newspapers Diário de Notícias (1996 to 1998) and for Público (2005 to 2011) and since 2011 in the magazine Sábado . Pitta was friends with the late author Al Berto.

The main themes of his work are anti-colonialism and homosexuality . In dealing with the subject of homosexuality, he has written various essays on homophile characters, including António Botto , Al Berto , WH Auden , Mário Cesariny , Fernando Pessoa , Walt Whitman and Oscar Wilde .

He's openly gay. His work has not yet appeared in German.

Work (selection)

  • Sílaba a Sílaba , 1974, poetry.
  • Um Cão de Angústia Progride , 1979, poetry.
  • A Linguagem da Desordem , 1983, poetry.
  • Olhos Calcinados , 1984, poetry.
  • Archote Glaciar , 1988, poetry.
  • Arbítrio , 1991, poetry.
  • Marcas de Água , 1999, poetry (1971–1990).
  • Persona , 2000, short stories, short stories.
  • Comenda de Fogo , 2002, essays.
  • Fractura , 2003, essays.
  • Metal Fundente , 2004, essays.
  • Intriga em Família , 2007, essays.
  • Cidade Proibida (Forbidden City), 2007, novel.
  • Aula de Poesia , 2010, essays.
  • Desobediência , 2011, poetry.
  • Cadernos Italianos , 2013, Daily.
  • Um Rapaz a Arder, autobiography, 2013.
  • Pompas Fúnebres , 2014, essays.
