Aegidius de Murino

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Aegidius de Murino , with the last name also de Morina, de Muris and de Mori as well as Aegidius de Francia, was a medieval French composer and music theorist who worked in the second half of the 14th century. His Tractatus cantus mensurabilis contains instructions on how to compose motets. The Traktatus this in the tradition always prefixed Tractatus de diversis figuris is from Edmond de Coussemaker the Philippus de Caserta attributed. All other manuscripts see it as the first part of de Murino's treatise himself.


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Individual evidence

  1. Aegidius de Murino . In: Wilibald Gurlitt (Ed.): Riemann Musiklexikon . 12th, completely revised edition. People part: A-K . Schott, Mainz 1959, p. 10 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  2. Aegidius de Murino . In: Carl Dahlhaus (Ed.): Riemann Musiklexikon . 12th, completely revised edition. Personal section: A – K , supplementary volume. Schott, Mainz 1972, p. 7 .