Egon Ludwig

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Egon Ludwig (born December 27, 1929 in Neukirch / Lausitz ) is a former major general of the Ministry for State Security (MfS), personal assistant to the Minister for State Security and head of the Office of Management (BdL) of the MfS. He was also chairman of SG Dynamo Hohenschönhausen and a member of the DTSB board .


After attending elementary school, Egon Ludwig began an apprenticeship as a machinist in 1944 and worked in this profession until 1948. In 1945 he joined the KPD and was a member of the SED after the forced unification of the SPD and KPD in 1946 . In 1948 he was employed by the German People's Police (DVP) and in 1951 switched to the SED district leadership of the MfS as Secretary for Propaganda . From 1953 he was the minister's personal advisor at the MfS. Between 1954 and 1959 he completed a distance learning course at the German Academy for State and Law in Potsdam , which he graduated with a degree in law. In 1957 he became secretary of the staff of the MfS and in 1961 finally head of the BdL. From 1966 he was also chairman of the Dynamo Hohenschönhausen sports association . In 1973 Ludwig was awarded the Friedrich Ludwig Jahn Medal of the DTSB. Egon Ludwig had been a member of the DTSB's federal executive committee since 1978. On February 1, 1983, he was appointed major general by the chairman of the GDR's National Defense Council , Erich Honecker . In the course of the turnaround and peaceful revolution in the GDR and the dissolution of the MfS, Ludwig was released from his positions in December 1989 and dismissed and retired in January 1990.

Ludwig is a member of the Initiative Group for the Protection of Social Rights (ISOR) and lives in Bruchmühle (Altlandsberg) .


Individual evidence

  1. "Sports officials excellent". In: Berliner Zeitung , October 2, 1973, p. 7.
  2. Protocol No. 3/83 of the Politburo (Federal Archives)
  3. ISOR congratulated on his 75th birthday In: ISORaktuell , No. 12/2004, p 5 (accessed on 2 October 2015)..
  4. The Bruchmühle Local Advisory Board congratulates on his 85th birthday ( memento from October 5, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed on October 2, 2015).