Eichenspinner publishing house

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Eichenspinner publishing house

legal form Publishing
founding 2006
Seat Chemnitz , Bielefeld , Germany
Website http://www.eichenspinner.de/

The Oak Spinner publisher is a 2006 by Lutz Graner , was established in Chemnitz Small Press .


The name of the publisher refers to the butterfly oak moth , whose caterpillars have stinging hairs that can cause irritation. In contrast to its namesake, the oak processionary moth , the oak moth is one of the endangered species. To get the idea of ​​founding a publishing house for German-language (oak) literature these days, you have to be a nut, the publisher says with a wink. The publishing house has also been anchored in Bielefeld since 2010.

Publishing program

The publisher is committed to promoting the work of Hans Brinkmann , but also supports other book projects. The program is based on social commitment, often with a pinch of humor. This is how social novels and grotesques meet, political poetry and satire, minority literature and language experiment, short story and multilingualism.

Authors, editors, translators

Inger-Mari Aikio-Arianaick
Lothar Becker
Hans Brinkmann
Martin Brunner
Johanna Domokos
Sebastian Guhr
Henrietta Hartl
Steve Kussin
Joanna Lisiak
Peter Lünenschloß
Rauni Magga Lukkari
Valentin Moritz
Günter Saalmann
Christine Schlosser
Kevin Sommer
Ria ÜbÜ


In 2018, the anthology "Was für Spinner. Bizarre Kurzgeschichten" was selected on the long list of the Book Art Foundation in the competition for the "Most Beautiful German Books 2018".
In 2015 the collection of poems "Erbmütter - Welttöchter" by Rauni Magga Lukkari and Inger-Mari Aikio-Arianaick was on the hotlist of independent publishers.
In 2014 the novel "Fiedlerin auf dem Dach" by Günter Saalmann was on the hotlist of independent publishers.
In 2013 & 2010 the publisher was one of around 20 representative exhibitors at "Gut zum Druck", the "Festival of Saxon publishers".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Red list animals
  2. Interview by Maria Frickenstein with the publisher in the Neue Westfälische ("Butterflies in the head")