Inger-Mari Aikio-Arianaick

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Inger-Mari "Ima" Aikio-Arianaick (born January 14, 1961 in Utsjoki , North Sami Ohcejohka ) is a Finnish author of the Sami language.


Inger-Mari Aikio-Arianaick grew up in the Pulmankijärvi region . Her son goes to school in Ivalo in Northern Lapland , and so she currently lives there (2014), but would like to live up north again in Pulmankijärvi.

Aikio-Arianaick studied languages ​​at the University of Oulu . In 1992 she completed her translation training for North Sami and Finnish . For twenty years she worked as a radio journalist at YLE-Sámi Radios . Aikio-Arianaick works as a film director and editor. In 1991 Aikio-Arianaick made a long journey, including countries in Southeast Asia and South America. Her volume of poetry Mailmmis dása was nominated for the 2001 Nordic Council Literature Prize. Aikio-Arianaick had published seven Sami volumes of poetry and children's books by 2014.

Aikio-Arianaick's previous poetry addresses the Sami language and the role of women. She also questions notions of the “real Samentum”. Her texts on nature photographs by Josef Timar in the photo book Lebensrad (2009) are "Poems about transience, anger and hatred and how to deal with them."

Aikio-Arianaick's poems have been translated into English, Estonian, German, Finnish, Swedish and Hungarian.


Poems and stories

In anthologies

Movies and music videos

  • Anárašgiella - áitatvuloš muhto ii jámadeaddji (2004, music video about the rapper Amoc )
  • Taivaalta kansantaiteilijaksi (2004, music video about the actor Tapio Satamo )
  • Yoga fápmu (2004)
  • Gávdnasa goaikkanasat (2005, music video about Alfred Holmberggas)
  • Cokka fal ná! (2005)
  • Muohtamáilmmi bivut (2006)
  • Soajálaččat / Áillohaš (in German about: With wings or wings), (documentary about Niillas Holmberg and Nils-Aslak Valkeapää)
  • Suoma-sámi-Suoma , together with Joonas Saari (Documentary about Finnish people who have come to the Inari region and how they try to get along with people from the Sami population.)


  • Ima ipmašat (2007)
  • Ima hutkosat (in German, for example: Ima's inventions, 2011), the music video Dápmot Moaráska (in German, for example: The trout is annoying), the first music video together with Joonas Saari and Kevin , was created for a song from it, which is sung by Niillas Holmberg Frances.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Inger-Mari Aikio-Arianaick , at finnlandcool
  2. IMA Inger-Mari Aikio-Arianaick ( Memento of the original from October 6, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , at Finland Institute @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Marten Hahn: Sami model poet , interview, at Deutschlandradio Kultur , September 15, 2014
  4. a b c Interview with Inger-Mari Aikio-Arianaick, with English subtitles , , Skabmagovat Film Festival 2013