A man of honor

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A man of honor (original title: A Matter Of Honor , Simon & Schuster , 1986) is a novel by the English writer and politician Jeffrey Archer , which was first published in German by Heinrich Rast in 1987 by Paul Zsolnay Verlag .


The starting point for the thriller , which mainly takes place in 1966, is the sale of Alaska by Russia , the so-called Alaska Purchase to the United States in 1867 . The author plays with the fiction that Russia secured a buyback right after 99 years in a secret treaty - not uncommon for diplomacy at the time . However, this document was lost in the turmoil of the February Revolution in 1917 and is now hiding somewhere in an icon .

Just four weeks before the deadline expires, the Russian head of state, Leonid Brezhnev , learns of this contract, recognizes the strategic potential and instructs the KGB to search it. The British art connoisseur Adam Scott gets caught between the fronts when he tries to pick up a 14th-century icon from a bank safe in Switzerland , which his late father indirectly bequeathed to him. He had come into possession of the icon through the notorious art collector Hermann Göring , who left the art object to his guardian during the Nuremberg Trials as thanks for the fair treatment.


  • Jeffrey Archer: A man of honor . Translated from English by Fanny Esterhazy, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, Vienna 1987, 391 pages, ISBN 3-442-09436-4
  • Jeffrey Archer: A man of honor . Bastei Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach 2002, ISBN 978-3404147106


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Notes and evidence

  1. Apparently Archer was inspired by the British lease agreement with China, which was also limited to 99 years, see Hong Kong # British Crown Colony .