Eisenhower tunnel

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Eisenhower tunnel
Eisenhower tunnel
The east portal of the tunnel
Official name Eisenhower – Edwin C. Johnson Memorial Tunnel
use Road tunnel
traffic connection Interstate 70
length 2725 mdep1
Number of tubes 2
building-costs $ 108 million
start of building 03/15/1968 (north tunnel) 08/18/1975 (south tunnel)
completion March 8, 1973 (north tunnel) December 21, 1979 (south tunnel)
toll no
Eisenhower Tunnel, Colorado
Red pog.svg
Red pog.svg
West portal 39 ° 40 ′ 43 "  N , 105 ° 56 ′ 6"  W.
East portal 39 ° 40 ′ 43 "  N , 105 ° 54 ′ 13"  W.

The Eisenhower Tunnel (officially Eisenhower – Edwin C. Johnson Memorial Tunnel ) is a two-tube tunnel connection through a ridge on the continental divide of the Pacific and Atlantic in the US state of Colorado . It is part of the US freeway I-70 , which, with its connection to I-15, is one of the most important east-west connections from Los Angeles on the west coast via Denver to the east coast. At a height of 3,400 meters, the Eisenhower Tunnel, which is named after the former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower , was for a long time the highest tunnel passage in the world - now surpassed by the road tunnel leading from Gongkar Airport to Lhasa (approx. 3650  m ) and the railway tunnel at Fenghuo-Shan ( 4905  m ) in the Tibetan highlands.

The north tunnel (also known as the Eisenhower tube ) was built on March 15, 1968 and was opened almost exactly five years later, on March 8, 1973. Traffic flows through the 2,725 meter long tube in a westerly direction from Denver. The south tunnel (also Edwin C. Johnson tube ) for traffic to the east was built from August 18, 1975 and was completed on December 21, 1979. It is about six meters longer than the tube located between 27 and 60 meters above it.

The construction of the Eisenhower Tunnel, the total cost of which amounted to around 108 million US dollars (around 83 million euros), saves long-distance travelers the almost 15-kilometer journey over the Loveland Pass ( US Highway 6 ). The number of vehicles passing through every day in 2000 was around 28,000. This is around 10.3 million vehicles a year. Transports of dangerous goods are not allowed to pass through the tunnel, they must continue to use the Loveland Pass.


  1. Colorado Department of Transportation: Eisenhower Tunnel Facts ( memento of the original from September 26, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.dot.state.co.us

Web links

Commons : Eisenhower Tunnel  - collection of images, videos and audio files