Ekrem Jevrić

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Ekrem Jevrić , also known as Gospoda or Der Borat vom Balkans in New York , (born October 25, 1961 in Gusinje , SFR Yugoslavia , † March 4, 2016 in New York City , New York ) was a Montenegrin folk singer.


Ekrem Jevrić emigrated to Canada with his wife Igbala in the late 1980s and later moved to New York, where he has since made his living mostly as a construction worker and taxi driver. New York, as he tells in a song, is a city of dogs, concrete blocks and a “women's battalion on the streets”. Jevrić, who became the father of four sons and performed for years on weekends in New York restaurants where people from the area of ​​ex- Yugoslavia gather, explained his opinion on women's emancipation to a Bosnian TV station: he had seen what women do. They would leave their six-year-old children alone to go to work. They lose their wealth because the children are a great wealth.

On YouTube there were more than 7.7 million hits on his song "Kuca - poso, poso - kuca" (house-work, work-house) within a few months. He took part from September 12, 2010 in the third season of the Serbian reality show "Farma" ("The Farm") of the Belgrade TV channel Pink , in which he made it to third place.

Jevrić earned his first $ 1,000 as an advertising artist for men's fall fashion when he appeared in a commercial for the Italian fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana .

Ekrem Jevrić died of a heart attack in his car on March 4, 2016 at the age of 54 while driving to his workplace.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/how-the-borat-of-the-balkans-hit-the-big-time-2032174.html
  2. http://www.avaz.ba/clanak/223287/njujork-umro-ekrem-jevric