Eleazar from Modiin

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R. Eleazar from Modiin (also Eleazar from Modiin etc.) was a highly respected Jewish scholar of antiquity, is counted among the Tannaites of the second generation and worked in the second century AD. He is considered a student of Jochanan ben Sakkai and a contemporary of Jehoshua ben Chananja and Eliezer ben Hyrkanos .

He was particularly concerned with the Aggada , so that in the Mishna only a single sentence has come down to us ( Pirqe Abot III. 11), while many of his sayings are given in the Midrashim .

He is said to have been wrongly suspected of treason, killed by Bar Kochba with a kick. Shortly thereafter, the Betar fortress was conquered by the Hadrian troops, with Bar Kochba himself being killed.
