Elias Hicks

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Elias Hicks

Elias Hicks (born March 10, 1748 in Rockaway , New York Province, † February 27, 1830 in Jericho, Nassau County , New York ) was an American Quaker opinion leader.


Hicks was a carpenter by trade. As a young man he joined the Religious Society of Friends . In 1771 he married Jemina Seaman. Hicks campaigned for the abolition of slavery . As a preacher, Hicks toured the United States and Canada . Hicks held divergent theological views from Orthodox Quakerism , including the question of the birth of Jesus Christ as a virgin , which he considered less important. Because of his notoriety and the debate over his views, there was a split within American Quakerism in 1827. The fans of his grand piano were henceforth called Hicksite Friends .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b J. Gordon Melton: Hicks, Elias (1748-1830) . American liberal Quaker leader. In: Encyclopedia of World Religions . Encyclopedia of Protestantism, No. 6 . Facts of File, New York 2005, ISBN 978-0-8160-5456-5 , pp. 267 (English).
  2. ^ Elias Hicks: Observations on the Slavery of the Africans and Their Descendants and on the Use of the Produce of Their Labor. Antislavery Literature Project, archived from the original on January 4, 2011 ; accessed on January 4, 2011 .

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