Elio of Morpurgo

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Elio of Morpurgo. Lithograph by Josef Kriehuber 1857

Elio Freiherr von Morpurgo (* 1805 in Trieste , † August 1876 in Divonne-les-Bains , France) was an Austrian banker and industrialist from Friuli . He founded a banking and trading company important for the northern Adriatic.

Morpurgo was also President of the Chamber of Commerce and Director of Österreichischer Lloyd in Trieste .

Elio von Morpurgo is considered to be the founder of the banker dynasty, to which the Museo Morpurgo in Trieste is dedicated. In May 1828 he married Nina von Morpurgo , with whom he had 6 children: Emilia (married Raffalovich, * Dec.1828), Adele von Morpurgo (* 1830), Elise (* 1832, married Elisabeth Maria von Hauszer-Epstein) , Marco Baron von Morpurgo (* 1838), Enrico Salomon de Morpurgo (* 1839) and Guido Carl von Morpurgo (* 1846).


Web links

Commons : Elio von Morpurgo  - collection of images, videos and audio files