Elisa Mussayeva

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Elisa Mussajewa (usually in the English spelling Eliza Musaeva , also Elisa Musayeva , Russian Элиза Мусаева ) is a Chechen psychologist and human rights activist .


Elisa Mousayeva was born in Grozny in Chechnya. She first studied geography and worked as a teacher for a few years. She studied psychology at the State Pedagogical University in Moscow . From 1996 to 2004 she taught psychology at the Chechen Pedagogical Institute in Grozny, from 1997 to 1998 at the Ingush State University in Nazran and in 1999 at the State Pedagogical University in Moscow.

From 2000 to 2004 she headed the regional organization of the human rights organization Memorial in Nazran in Ingushetia . She looked after victims of the war in Chechnya and pointed out the serious human rights violations there. From 2004 to 2008 she worked for the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights in Vienna . She prepared reports and analyzes on the human rights situation in Russia and Central Asia.

Elisa Mousayeva published several publications on the consequences of traumatic experiences in war situations. She made proposals to help asylum seekers in Europe.


Web links

  • Eliza Musaeva Research Unit Human Rights at the University of Vienna (English)


  1. Open Letter to the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Memorial, February 15, 2003
  2. Activists in Uzbekistan arrested Moscow Helsinki Group, 2005 (Russian)
  3. ^ Elisa Musaeva is awarded the AD Saharov Prize Memorial, August 30, 2002