Elisabeth Hurth

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Elisabeth Hurth (* 1961 ) is a German lecturer , learning therapist and author . She lives in Wiesbaden .

Hurth studied American , German and theology in Mainz and Boston . In 1988 she obtained the PH.D. degree in American Studies in Boston, and in 1992 she completed a doctorate in German studies at the University of Mainz with the title Der literary Jesus. Studies on the Jesus novel . In her work, she examined the processing of the Jesus material in German-language literature from 1880 to 1945, with a special focus on the influence of the life of Jesus research on the novel poetry of the time. According to Herbert Stettberger , the dissertation deserves the great merit of “not recalling the literary Jesus as an alternative, but as a meaningful addition to the historical-critical image of Jesus”.

Elisabeth Hurth has been working as a language teacher and publicist since 1992 . She mainly writes on topics from the fields of religion and the media, including regular articles in the Herder Korrespondenz magazine .

Books (selection)

Notes and individual references

  1. Herbert Stettberger, "Hurth, Elisabeth: Der literäre Jesus: Studien zum Jesusroman. - Hildesheim et al.: Olms, 1993", in Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift , Vol. 47 No. 4 (1996), pp. 421-422, here p. 422.
  2. Gründewald-Verlag / Elisabeth Hurth , accessed April 14, 2019.
  3. Herder Korrespondenz - Authors , accessed March 20, 2019.
  4. Herder-Verlag, Religiöses in der Literatur , accessed April 6, 2019.